Chapter 3

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Zelda was so relieved to see that her parents were out, making it easy for her to sneak Link out with her. Grabbing a shirt from her parents' bedroom, she rushed back to her own room.

In her room, Zelda handed Link the shirt. "This is the best I could find. It's one of my father's old shirts so it should fit you."

Link arched an eyebrow. "Why do I need to wear that?"

"So you don't stand out in public. That outfit you're wearing will make you stick out like a sore thumb."

Link looked at the button down white shirt he was holding. "Fine... I'll wear it." He started taking off the shirt he was wearing currently. Zelda felt the blood rush up to her cheeks, seeing his abs that were toned. He noticed her staring, clearing his throat. "I know, I know. I got a nice body, but... Could you look away for one minute?"

Realizing what she was doing, Zelda quickly turned around. "S-Sorry!" No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get that mental image of Link shirtless out of her head.

"You can turn around now."

Turning around, Zelda saw Link in the white button down shirt. It was a little big on him since it passed his waist line, but it still worked. "Good. That will be temporary until we can find clothes that will fit better."

"I rather wear what I was wearing, but whatever floats your boat."

Even though Zelda knew her parents were out, she double checked to be sure that they were actually gone. Seeing that the coast was clear, Zelda rushed out the front door with Link following behind.

Walking to a nearby outdoor shopping center, Zelda ended up taking Link to a cheap clothing store. She wanted him to wear something comfortable rather than something expensive. Plus, that meant she could get whatever he wanted.

Picking out some outfits to try on, Zelda handed them to Link, making him go into the changing room.

One of the store clerks that worked there came up to her. "Did you find everything ok?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Are you trying to look for new outfits with your boyfriend?"

Zelda felt her heart racing by that word. "Uh, actually... He's just a friend."

"Oh really? I could've sworn that you two were a couple. You would look great together!"

Zelda really didn't know what to say about that. "Thanks..."

Link tried on many outfits, much to his liking. Zelda had to put away some outfits, thinking they looked ridiculous on him. With the other outfits, she could admit that they looked good on him.

After their shopping spree, Zelda and Link were carrying a bunch of shopping bags. Link was wearing one of the outfits that were bought. He was wearing a pine green hoodie with jeans. A simple look to make him blend in.

Zelda was thinking to herself of what to do next. She heard some giggling up ahead. Looking up, her eyes started to widen. "Oh no..."

Link arched an eyebrow. "What's the matter?"

"It's my friends! It slipped my mind that they were going to the bookstore! I told them I was staying home today! If they see me out, especially with you, it will be hard to explain!" Swiftly, Zelda pulled Link's arm, having them turn the corner to hide.

Keeping an ear out, Zelda was hearing her friends pass her by. Their voices were growing distant by the second. Letting out a relieved sigh, Zelda placed a hand over her heart. "That was a close one."

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