Chapter 20

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The last day of school finally arrived. Graduation. The day where students transit into adults in the real world. It was exciting, yes, but these poor kids are going to wish they were still in school after getting a taste of adulthood.

All the seniors were sitting on chairs that were set up outside on the grassy field. Many parents of the students were there, witnessing their children graduating. A lot of them were teary eyed.

Standing behind the set up podium, Principal Dragmire was standing behind the microphone. "Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to Hyrule High's 33rd annual graduation. I'm glad all of you could make it today." A lot of the teachers were sitting behind the principal. Almost all of them looked like they were ready to cry. "It's such a memorable moment for all of you to be witnessing. These teens are about to be adults working into society." He started to sound like he was choking up. "They will all do just fine... I'm sure of it. I apologize, please give me a moment."

Zelda giggled, looking to where Link was sitting. He was over at the next row, giving her a smile. She smiled back.

Concluding his moment, Principal Dragmire spoke up once more. "Here shortly, I will call up each of you one by one to receive your diploma. Please head towards the right side of the stage when your name is called."

One by one, each student was being called up on the stage to receive their diploma.

Zelda started feeling anxious, knowing her name was going to be called soon. But she knew that Link was just as nervous. She looked over to him once more, seeing his expression looked terrified. She giggled at the sight. "Zelda Harkinian." Hearing her name, she stood up from her seat, heading towards the stage.

Up on the stage, she received her diploma while shaking a teacher's hand. She heard a lot of people cheering for her. She recognized some of the voices. Her parents, her friends, and of course Link. A smile appeared on her face as she made her way off of the stage.

Once graduation was over, Link and Zelda made their way to their family who was all together. "Congratulations, you two!" Zelda's mother was the first to say.

Her father gave the two a smile. "I'm so proud of you two."

Link and Zelda said this in unison, "Thank you."

Rusl gave the two a smile. "You're finally becoming adults. It's hard to believe more for Zelda since I first saw you as a baby."

Uli nodded. "I agree. It's hard to believe you've grown this much already."

Zelda gave them a smile. "I feel like I've grown up a lot this past year."

The children, Colin and Aryll were each holding a bouquet of flowers. Zelda and Link each took one from them, staring at the bouquet in awe. It was the exact same flowers they wore to prom. Silent princesses.

Zelda's mother started getting teary eyed. "I must capture this moment!" She took out her camera, taking tons of pictures.

Zelda couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "Mother..."

Link started to laugh. "It's fine. It is a memorable moment."

Her father spoke up. "I'm sure your friends are waiting for you. And I'm sure you two would like to go on a date later, correct?" That made the two start to feel shy. Zelda's father couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "Go ahead and meet your friends now!"

Zelda nodded. "Ok. We'll be back shortly."

"Please! Take all the time you need!"

Link and Zelda made their way towards their friends who were already all together. Kim gave the two a smile. "We graduated!"

Sidon smiled while striking a pose. "And now I look forward to college!"

"I'm not." Midna commented. "I'm just happy to finally get out of this place."

Lana started to pout. "Come on! We made so many memories here!"

Mipha started to giggle. "She's right."

Link smiled at everyone. "I wish all of you the best. Whatever happens, we'll always be friends."

Zelda nodded with a smile. "That's a promise."

The entire friend group smiled at one another, sharing another memorable moment. It would be their last memory in school before they all enroll in college. That just meant they would make even more memories in college since they were all going to the same one.

Zelda looked up at the clear blue sky, feeling grateful for everything. She was lost once. It felt like she would never find the answer. She looked towards Link and her friends, smiling endearingly at all of them. She never knew that she could be so blind. The answer was always there. Right in front of her.

Zelda has found her missing link.

The End

A/N: That's a wrap! Thank you so much for reading my story! If you made it this far, thank you so very much for reading this all the way through! Writing this reminded me of my high school times... Sort of. I still don't miss those times, but at the same time, I miss where I didn't have any adult responsibilities. I hope that you enjoyed reading this story, and please tell me what you think! Once again, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

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