Chapter 2

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The next morning, Zelda slowly opened her eyes, feeling like she hasn't slept at all. No matter how much sleep she got, she always felt tired.

What made her even more angry was that it was the weekend. She didn't need to get up early. She could sleep in all day if she wanted to.

Not being able to fall back asleep, Zelda turned to the other side of the bed. She noticed something on the ground as she made her way to the side of the bed.

It was her game console that she left on all night. Picking it up, the screen was glitched red and green. "Aw man... Did I break it in my sleep?"

Hearing a noise from the front of her bed, Zelda turned her head towards that direction. She definitely wasn't expecting to see anyone there. Her eyes met with this stranger's gaze.

Frozen on the spot, Zelda's mind was going back and forth to fight or flight. Quickly getting out from under the covers, Zelda was rushing towards the door. "Somebody help! There's a-" She wasn't able to finish that sentence as she felt the person pull her towards them.

Zelda felt their hand over her mouth, and their other arm wrapped around her torso to prevent her from escaping. "Wait! I'm not going to hurt you!" He grunted right after. "Hold on... I can talk?!"

Zelda used her hands to break free from this stranger's grasp, successfully getting out. "Who are you and what are you doing in my room?!"

The stranger put their hands up in defense. "I don't even know how I got here! One minute I was fighting, and the next thing I knew... I ended up in some teenage girl's room the whole night!"

"The whole night?! You watched me sleep?!"

He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah... Well... I wanted to ask you some questions when you woke up. You're a very heavy sleeper. And you snore too."

"I do not snore!"

"You want me to record you next time?"

"No!" Zelda exclaimed. "And as for asking questions, I got things to ask you! Who are you?!"

The stranger let out a sigh. "If I tell you my name, will you please calm down?" Still keeping her guard up, Zelda nodded. "It's Link."

Zelda grunted at the name. There was no way... She observed him more closely, seeing that he looked exactly like the main character in the game. "Link... As in the Legend of Link?!"

Link shrugged. "I guess you can say that."

Zelda couldn't believe what was all happening. A fictional character from her favorite game was standing before her. She didn't know how to feel. Happy? Freaked out? But most of all, confused.

Zelda looked over to Link once more. "How..? How are you real?"

Link shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I whited out, almost like I got struck down by lightning. When I woke up, I ended up in your room."

"That's impossible..." It felt like Zelda was going crazy. "How is this even possible..?!"

Link crossed his arms. "Can you answer my questions now? I'm just as confused as you are."

Swallowing, Zelda nodded. "Alright. What do you need to ask?"

"First of all... You know my name, but I don't know yours. What's your name?"

"Zelda... Harkinian..."

His eyebrows rose up, his expression was soft. "That's a really pretty name."

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