Chapter 13

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   In science class, Mrs. Purah was about to announce some important news. "Alright students. I'm about to hand out instructions for the class project that will be due in a week."

   Zelda received the paper. It read: The pair that I will choose can select either of these projects. When decided, inform me which project you have chosen.

   Once Mrs. Purah was done passing out the papers, she started calling out pairs. "Link and Zelda, you two will be partners. Kim and Sheik, you two will be partners." She continued to go on with that for a few minutes.

   Link and Zelda were looking through the list of projects they could do. "Which one looks interesting to you, Link?"

   Link looked like he was thinking to himself. "How about this one?"

   Zelda looked interested to the one Link was pointing to. "Yeah! Let's do that one!" She turned over to Kim, who was still choosing a topic with her partner. "Still deciding on a topic, Kim?"

   Kim perked her head up, giving Zelda a smile. "Yeah. This is the toughest part of the project. Picking something. Even Sheik here is having a hard time deciding, right Sheik?"

   Sheik shook his head. "I may have found one, but I want your input on it."

   Kim looked interested to the one Sheik was pointing at. "That looks like fun! Let's do it!" She turned to Zelda. "It looks like we have our decision."

   "Good." Zelda commented, turning to Link. "Let's tell Mrs. Purah which one we picked out."

   Link nodded in response. "Sure thing." Both getting up, some students were already in line waiting to tell the teacher what they picked. They were looking forward to this science project. Especially Zelda. That meant that her and Link can spend some time together.

   A blush appeared on her face, confused on why her first thought was that. Disregarding it, she waited in line for her and Link's turn.

   During lunch time, everyone was already at the table, talking among another. "So... Do you want to know what project Link and I decided to do?"

"What is it?" Lana asked.

"We're going to do an experiment on how video games affect the body."

"That's cool, I guess." Midna responded, stabbing her food with a fork.

"What about you, Kim? And who's your partner?" Lana asked.

"Sheik and I decided to make the phases of the moon model. We also have to explain each of the phases."

"That sounds awesome!"

Midna didn't look impressed. "You're working with that weird quiet guy? I feel sorry for you."

Kim shook her head. "Sheik is actually really nice, despite looking a bit intimidating."

Zelda turned over to Mipha, looking like she was lost in her own little world. "Mipha? Are you alright?"

Mipha snapped out of it, giving her a small smile. "Yes, I'm alright. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

Link looked a bit worried. "Is everything alright?"

Pausing for a moment, Mipha lowered her head, seeming like she was hiding her expression. "Y-Yes. Everything is alright."

Kim looked at Mipha with worry. She knew that she was hiding something, burying her true feelings in her heart. Making a mental note, she was going to talk face to face with Mipha one of these days.

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