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(Y/N) = Your Name

(N/N) = Nickname

(F/C) = Favourite Color

And I'm not picking a gender like my last two books so choose your gender; Corrin is going to be called "Kamui" instead for this book and I'm really happy to make this book so ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As well as that Camilla and Hinoka will be calling you by your nickname instead of your name; Elise and Sakura sometimes will.

Author's Note: I wanted to change the reader's hair color and eyes to baby blue and red, to look more related to Kamui and Anankos.

Kamui and (Y/N) wakes after dreaming of a strange battle - one where both friend and foe calls them their siblings. Was the dream a glimpse into their future?

3rd Person's POV:
Setting Location: Plains of Hoshido
With the raising hand of the crowed prince was the signal that the war is starting, soldiers rushing from both sides, preparing to fight and die for their kingdoms. One, who was a Nohrian Paladin, stood out the most. Another prince, was a swordmaster and prince from Hoshido!

He rushed into battle field, using his lightning katana to take down the enemies soldiers onto their knees then jumping on the soldiers' heads near the captain's location.

As he landed, he made a quick spin attack to the men around him.

"Nohrian general! You face the high prince of Hoshido, Ryoma! I challenge you to single combat!" Ryoma shouted, making sure his challenge was clear to the blonde man who was up on a rocky cliff.

He narrowed his eyes at Ryoma.

"I will accept your challenge, 'High Prince'" the blond prince mocked, as he drew out his own dark sword, "But I'm no general, I am crown prince Xander of Nohr!" Xander said and both Princes began their battle.

As their battle started, Kamui was lost in thought, he was with Hinoka, a pegasus knight and his 'real' big sister as she claimed to be.

Kamui was worried about his twin (brother/sister) (Y/N); was (he/she) safe? Was (he/she) alive? Or perhaps dead? The two were separated when the battle began, he couldn't stop feeling worried for (him/her). After all, (he/she) IS Kamui's (brother/sister) and had made a promise to keep (him/her) safe.

Kamui was so lost in thought that was snapped out of it when there was a Nohrian axe fighter swinging his weapon at him.

"Come on, Kamui! We've got work to do." Hinoka said as Kamui took the hit from the enemy, his armour shielded from the attack, but the attack sent him back a bit, Kamui returned once more to strike the enemy but the opponent was one step ahead and moved out of the way, and came back to attack Kamui.

He didn't had time to dodge the attack but then Hinoka got in front of Kamui and shield the attack.

"Kamui, what's the matter with you? You seem distracted..." Hinoka asked concern in her voice, but still focusing on the enemy fighter, "If you're worried, don't be. All your siblings are here with you, along with (N/N). The Nohrians don't stand a chance!" she smiled with confidence as she mentioned (Y/N)'s nickname, Kamui smiled a bit in relief, and his foe was getting annoyed that they were have a conversation. He prepared to attack, Kamui surprised him and ran to the enemy, Kamui using his sword to attack his opponent.

He got his foe pretty good, but he was not taking it lightly, he quickly got back at Kamui, this scared Hinoka more as she held her lance tighter.

Kamui didn't end it there, he attacked the enemy once more making the enemy fall on the ground, ending the small battle, Xander and Ryoma are still having their battle.

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