chapter 19 hidden strings

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(y/n) P.O.V

later, when Cookie finally woke up and fix her right eye from the burn, and Fuge join us at the castle the other day, Azura and Alex started to talk.

"it's hard to believe, but valla was once a mighty, peaceful kingdom." Alex said.

"it was quite friendly with the other kingdoms of the world..." Azura said.

"in fact, it wasn't unusual for royalty from nohr and hoshido, and sometimes the pokemon kingdom to visit." Alex said.

"what? but I've never even heard of valla. you two are say that my father- and king Garon, and Cookie's father, Zygarde were aware of this land?" Ryoma asked, shocked.

"of course" Alex said, closing (her/his) eyes for a bit.

"the hoshidan throne of truth was a gift from the vallite king. but when the silent dragon Anankos seized power." Azura said.

"this land was changed" Alex said.

"Azura, Alex. how is it that you both know so much about this kingdom? and why did Cookie, Kagura, and Devlyn know about the curse?" Ryoma asked.

the five of them looked at each other then back at the rest.

"we suppose we should explain that, as well..." Azura said.

"come with us. there something we wish for all of you to see." Alex said, as he and Azura started at walk said by said.

~let the time skip start by Scarlet spider's anger problem's Scarlet: HEY!! Me: :3~

we were in front of a gate and we looked at it and looked like a shrine with a person in the middle of it.

"Xander... this statue... you recognize it, right?" Leo asked his older brother.

"yes, it looks identical to the one that father worships." Xander said, nodding.

"this is a statue of the silent dragon Anankos." Azura said.

"each of the kingdoms has a dragon associated with it." Alex said.

"hoshido has the dawn dragon." Azura said.

"and nohr has the dusk dragon" Alex said.

"my kingdom has the god of pokemon, my grandpa, Arceus." Cookie spoke up.

"my world has me" Luna said.

'your not a dragon, dummy' Dark scoffed in annoyance.

'shut up dark-o' Luna thought.

"valla has Anankos" Azura and Alex said at the same time. (Me: DUN-DUN-DUN!!!!!!! THEY SYNC!!!!!)

"he was gifted with unlimited knowledge and foresight." Azura said.

"he was also the dragon that gave his blood to the ancient vallites." Alex said.

"but then...why would father worship him, rather then the dusk dragon?" Xander asked.

"me and Azura are sorry that we're the ones to tell you...." Alex said, sadly.

"it's doubtful that there's anything left of the true king Garon." Azura said, sadly.

"his gone." Alex said.

"what do you two mean?" Xander asked.

"Anankos has the ability to possess people" Azura said.

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