chapter 7 unspeakable world

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(y/n) P.O.V

Me, Kamui, Azura, and Felicia were in the felid.

"um, I hate to bring this up. but what are we going to do now?" Felicia asked worriedly.

we all looked at her.

"with nohr and hoshido against us. we don't have many friends..." Felicia said.

"Mmm... is seems like we should lay low for a bit" Kamui said.

"ya" I said.

"then...I know a place where no one will find us" Azura said.

"we should be safe there" Alex said.

"really?" me and Kamui asked in syc.

"yes, and once we get there, I have much to tell you" Azura said nodding.

'you better' Dark said.

'don't be rude' I thought.

'sorry' Dark said sighing.

"things I heard from my mother...and the truth about this world..." Azura said.

~time skip to the bottomless canyon~

we all walked near the bridge of the canyon.

"this is the bottomless canyon" Kamui said.

"were we lost Gunter" I said sadly.

"you don't mean for us to hide out here, do you?" Kamui asked.

"that's exactly what I mean. we'll jump into the canyon" Azura said calmly.

"WHAT?!?!?!" I shouted.

"what?! h-hold on just a minute! if we jump down there, we'll all die" Felicia said worriedly.

'ya like I said a few days or however long ago' Dark said, 'but good thing it's magic'

'Wait what you mean by that?' I thought, confused.

'You'll find out' Dark said

" I knew we need to keep a low profile, but I don't think death is a great hiding spot!" Felicia said.

"don't worry- you wont die if you jump. you have to trust me" Azura said.

"Azura..." me and Kamui said in sync.

"you'll tell us more of what you know, after we jump into the canyon, right?" Kamui asked.

"will you?" I asked.

"yes, if that's what you both wish." Azura said.

"then we have no choice" me and Kamui said in sync.

"ahhh... are you both really serious about this, milord(s)(and milady)?!" Felicia asked worriedly.

"yes. everything will be fine" Kamui said smiling.

"we trust Azura" i said happily.

"good" Alex said smiling.

"thank you, Kamui and (y/n). me and Alex go first and wait for you to follow" Azura said as she and Alex walked over to the bridge.

"all right" Kamui said.

"we'll be right behind you" I said happily as me and Kamui walked over to where Azura and Alex were going.

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