Chapter 23 Arete and Arekkusu undone

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(Y/n) P.O.V

We were all walking threw Valla.

"Hrm...." Ryoma seemed to be detracted by something.

"Ryoma? Is something the matter?" I asked the lobs- er Ryoma.

"You look lost in though" Kamui said. (Me: *sings*lost in thoughts all alone~...sorry I had to)

"Ah, Kamui, (y/n)....I was just thinking about Scarlet. If she were still alive and with us. I'm sure she'd do something to dispel this mood" Ryoma said sadly.

'Well just to be honest, I kinda miss her....' Dark said.

'Same, even tho I knew her for a day and a half I think' Luna thought.

"Yeah...." i said sadly, I miss her a lot.

" I guess your right" Kamui said.

"I wish I was strong enough.....if I could...I could revive her...but She won't really be at peace" Cookie said sadly.

"It's alright Cookie, we all know you tried your best at saving us all. Thought there's something bothering me about Scarlet's death Kamui and (y/n). I've been trying to find the right time to bring it up...." Ryoma said.

"What is it?" Me and Kamui asked.

"I need to know who killed her" Ryoma said, I can see it in his eyes that he wanted revenge.

"Oh, I don't know what is was, but I want to revenge Scarlet" Luna said.

"Ah, So you're curious about that as well, prince Ryoma." Gunter said.

"Indeed" Ryoma said.

"What do you mean?" I asked my older sibling.

"Wasn't it a random soldier that killed her?" Kamui asked.

"Not a random soldier, Kamui. A spy. Scarlet's most likely one of us" Ryoma said, wait what?!

'Bi*** what?' Dark said.

'Is he messed up in the head?' Luna thought.

"That can't be!" Kamui and I said in sync.

"Think about it. We were the only ones who jumped of the bridge" Ryoma said.

'True, but you guys jumped first so you can't be 100% sure' Dark said.

"And you both said it yourselves that you both, Lady Cookie and Scarlet were attacked as you four were falling, milord(s)(And Milady)" Gunter said.

"Fair point, and don't forget I was there too" Luna said.

"Ah, I see...why didn't you say so" I said.

"I see what you mean..." Kamui said.

"For you four to be ambushed as you all fell...the killer must have jumped with our group. You both wanted us all to trust each other. So I didn't want to say least not until I was certain" Ryoma said.

"We appreciate that, big brother" Cookie said.

"However, it's possible that we'll encounter even stronger resistance from here on in. We may even reach Anankos soon." Ryoma said.

"It would be tragic if someone were to betray us during our final battle." Gunter said.

"But we have no idea who the traitor could be." I said.

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