chapter 6 the path is yours/into the ground

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(y/n) P.O.V

we all went to the battlefield and saw Xander on the other side of the of the river with Ryoma fighting, and then soon notice us.

"Kamui, (y/n). you both are alive! they haven't harmed you both, have they?" Xander asked.

"Xander! we're fine!" I said waving my arms.

"but...why are you invading Hoshido?!" Kamui asked shocked.

"Father says it's time to show our true strength. join us and we'll end this quickly. if we conquer Hoshido here and now. we can avoid unnecessary bloodshed." Xander said to me and Kamui.

"Xander...." I said.

'wait. their starting a war to avoid bloodshed when THEIR starting the bloodshed' Dark said.

"we...we need a minute" Kamui said.

"be careful, Kamui and (y/n). that man is a Nohrian commander!" Ryoma yelled.

"ya and he's also their step-brother, so ya" Dark said, if it were possibly I could see her rolling her eyes.

"Ryoma..." me and Kamui said in sync.

Just the Leo, Elise, and Camilla came running our of the forest and stopped at the river.

"Kamui! (n/n)! I was so worried about you both. don't ever wonder away from me again!" Camilla said smiling sweetly.

"i'm glad your both ok Kamui and (y/n). you both must have the devil's own luck!" Leo said smiling.

"yaaay! we got our siblings back!" Elise cheered happily.

"Nohrian scum! first you kidnapped them. and now you lie to them?! Kamui and (n/n) are MY siblings not yours!" Hinoka said angerly and she hold her weapon tighter.

"you are mistaken. Kamui and (n/n) are my sweet younger siblings. you may not have them!" Camilla said coldly.

"don't be fooled by there words. you two belong with your true family in hoshido!" Ryoma said, getting annoyed by the Nohrian commends.

"we have loved you and raised you both since you were children. come home, little prince and little (n/n). we can live as a family once more!" Xander said.

"come home to Hoshido. Kamui! (y/n)!" Ryoma said.

"no Kamui and (y/n)! Nohr is your home!" Xander said.

me and Kamui looked at our birth family, and Ryoma raise his hand us.

"this way!" Ryoma said as the rest of our blood related sibling came running over to where Ryoma was at.

"b-big brother, (n-n/n)?" Sakura said shyly as she placed her hands together.

then we looked at our step-siblings as they ran over where Xander was at.

"their my siblings!" Elise said holding her staff.

then we looked at Xander.

"we're your family" Xander said as he raise his hand just like Ryoma.

"we're your family" Xander said as he raise his hand just like Ryoma

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