Paralogue 2 twin dragon blood

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(This chapter is when both Kamui and (y/n) are married to Azura and Alex. Takes place before White Flame) (you can skip the supports if you want)

Kamui and Azura- support C

Kamui was exploring in the woods, he heard Azura's singing and went to go look for her. He stopped when he saw Azura near a lake, singing, a similar lake to the one when he first met her for the first time, "A small lake in the middle of the woods....reminds me of where (Y/n) and I met Azura"

Azura noticed Kamui "Oh, Hello, Kamui" The long blue haired girl walked Kamui, "what brings you out here?"

Kamui smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, "I was looking for you, in fact. I apologize if I interrupted your singing"

Azura shock her head a bit, "It's no trouble. Is there something I can do for you with today?" She asked her friend.

"I actually wanted to talk with you about something I realized" Kamui told Azura. (Deadpool: that you love her) NOT YET!!, "I believe that you, me, Alex and (Y/n) are in a unique position regarding Nohr and Hoshido." he points out, "Me and (Y/n) were royals of Hoshido but raised in Nohr and... you're a princess of Nohr who was raised in Hoshido, and Alex is a mage in Nohr and moved to Hoshido"

"Ahh" Azura nodded, "I see what you mean. I agree that we're pretty unique"

"Because of this background, I think we may have interesting views on the counties." Kamui said, crossing his arms, "I want to talk to you first and compare what we each believed."

Azura hummed a bit and closed her eyes, "That is quite interesting..."

"We can start with Hoshido" Kamui smiled, wanting to start with he was supposed to grow up in, "From my perspective. It seems warm an bright. The land is fertile. and it seems like no one is ever wanting for anything"

"A valid observation" Azura smiled a bit, "this bountifulness makes everyone amiable and respectful."

"and yet" Kamui frowned, "they always have the threat of a Nohrian invasion hanging over them"

Azura nodded, "Indeed. Which is quite unfair; Nohr is always the aggressor, and without reason"

Kamui nodded, "That does seem to be the case, But... what if you considered the Nohrian side?" the seem to kinda confused Azura, "Can you try to imagine how the people in Nohr view Hoshido?"

"I support the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look indifferent to others" Azura hummed slightly, "it could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered. So long there is peace, the people in hoshido seem to uninterested in the world."

"I haven't heard of that opinion before" Kamui said a little surprised, "But I think it could have some merit. It could be one of the reasons that Nohr dislikes Hoshido so much"

Azura smiled, "I'm glad to be able to look at this situation with a new perspective. I'm sure we'd benefit continuing this conversation..."

Kamui nodded, "I agree, through we'll have to continue at another time. The day has only just started. And there is a lot to do. Until next time Azura!"

(Y/n) and Alex- support C

Alex was by (her/his)self in the library of the castle, collecting books about things that Azura needed.

(Y/n) ran into the library, looking like (he/she) got into a fight with a tiger or something and began looking for a book, "WHERE IS IT?!"

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