chapter 8 traitor's brand

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(y/n) P.O.V

me and the other where on our why to hoshido.

"listen carefully: fort jinya is just ahead. the fort is sure to be well defended by hoshidan soldiers." Gunter said.

"let's try to reach out to them" me and Kamui said in syc.

"milord(s)(,milady) didn't you both say that you'd both been branded as traitors?" Gunter asked.

'maybe' Dark said.

"these soldiers have likely been ordered to attack you both on sight" Gunter said.

"also, you must not forget the curse" Alex said.

"you both cant tell anyone what you've learned" Azura said.

"we know" I said.

"just the same, we have try and talk to them" Kamui said.

"no one wants this war to continue forever, surly some of them will listen" I said.

'Good luck because people will try and not listen' Dark said.

"all right here goes nothing" Kamui said.

"if we speak from the heart. we're certain that everyone will understand" I said standing next to Kamui.

~time skip~

we all mad it to a giant fort.

"so this is fort jinya...." me and Kamui said in syc.

"have the hoshidan forces abandoned it?" I asked.

"its so quiet here..." Kamui said, just then Yukimura came walking to us, and standing a few feet away from us.

"ah! Yukimura" I said waving.

'Prepare to die' Dark said.

"you both have some nerve showing your faces around here, lord(and lady) traitor" Yukimura said.

me and Kamui stayed quit.

"and same goes for you lady Azura and Alex. you were raised like any other princess of hoshido and you been treated well and yet... you two seem to have no trouble turning your backs on us when it suited you both. I suppose you two never truly thought of this kingdom as your home..." Yukimura said.

Azura and Alex stayed quit as they looked at the ground.

"y-your wrong Yukimura!" I said.

"we haven't betrayed hoshido at all"! Kamui said.

"we're not the enemy" I said.

"and nether is nohr!" Kamui said.

'I got the feeling he's not going to believe us' Dark said.

"please if you would only trust us..." I said as Azura and Alex looked up.

"silence! I wont let you both try to justify your betrayal" Yukimura said angerly.

'told ya' Dark said

'shut up' I thought.

"please Yukimura..." Kamui begged.

"we did not expect this to be's unfortunate, but we should prepare ourselves for a battle." Gunter said.

"Yukimura..." I said.

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