Paralogue 1 Tragic start

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3rd person (takes place at around chapter 6)

In a land far from the castle, a small village was being attacked by a small faceless army. Attack everyone that they saw.

One of the faceless growled as it attack a old woman, but dodge it and she looked back at a young girl with light brown hair.

"Run, Muzu! Please dear!" The old lady begged, as she hold off the faceless the best she can "Run and don't look back!"

"Mother! No!" Mozu cried out, "Take my hand! We'll run together"

The Faceless roared and attacked the Old Lady, The old Lady cried out in pain as the Faceless killed her

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The Faceless roared and attacked the Old Lady, The old Lady cried out in pain as the Faceless killed her.

"NO MOTHER!" Mozu yelled out in fear.

Right outside the village, The twins, Kamui and (Y/n) and their mini army heard the scream and went to check what's going on.

"did you hear that?!" Kamui asked his twin.

"Well, yeah. Those screams" The baby blue haired twin said, pointing at the direction of where the screams came from, "something terrible must have happened"

"We've got trouble, all right!" Felicia panicked, "this village is under attack by the faceless, but this place has been ravaged. We're too late! "

Kamui didn't want to believe that everyone in the village is dead, "No! there must be some survivors!"

"with any luck. Some people escaped, but if there's even one left here somewhere..." (Y/n) said, looking around, "Let's get searching, everyone!"

The battle begins.

The mini army began exploring the village and fighting Faceless, everything was complete chaos.

The young brown haired girl was shaking in fear as she has  spear in her hands, looking at the destroyed village from the near by forest, " village....they're all dead! I'm alone. Nowhere to go! And those monsters...they're coming back for me..."

The army separate into two groups, one went into the village, kill the faceless and to see if there is any survivors, while the seconded group does something similar but went into the woods to kill Faceless heading to the village. (Y/n) was leading the second group and Kamui was leading the first group.

(Y/n) teamed up with Alex (Deadpool: no surprised) shut up Wade, wrong book. Anyways, they were fighting across the bridge. They were not even a challenge at all.

By the time the second team when t the woods. The baby bluenette noticed something, Mozu, the young village girl was just barley holding her own against some of the faceless

(Y/n) wasted no time and ran over to the young girl's aid and killed a faceless that was gonna attack the brown haired girl from behind.

"are you okay?" (Y/n) asked Mouz, as (he/she) protected (him/her)self from a faceless.

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