Paralogue 3 surprise duet

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(Again this is with Kamui and Azura and (Y/n) and Alex. Look at the last chapter if you want to see the supports) (also takes place before black flame)

Azura and her step (sister/brother), Alex, where traveling to visit their children and the older siblings of Kana and Aomi.

Azura sighed at they traveled by ship, the rest of the army is coming as well to meet the cousins of Kana and Amoi, she said, "ah, how i love to sail upon the ocean! To be free from the confines of land!"

Alex smiled next to (her/his) step-sister, "I feel the same, the roar of the waves is like the sweetest lullaby"

"better then my singing?" Azura looked over at the black hair mage, teasing (her/him).

Alex shock (her/his) head, "Of course not. Your singing will always be number one to me", with that it make Azura smile.

Just then a pink-ish red-sh hair maid ran up to the duo in a panic, trying not to fall over, "We've got trouble, Lady Azura! Alex!"

Azura patted Felicia's back to calm her down, "slow down, Felicia. Tell us what happened"

Felicia breath in and out for a few moments before speaking again, "um... um... a pegasus-- i mean, the young man and woman riding it- they crashed into our ship! well the pegasus did to, but--!"

Azura and Alex's eyes widen in shock and worry. Azura spoke up, cutting the maid off "what was that?! some people on a pegasus just landed?"

"Point the way!" Alex demanded. Felicia nodded and showed them where the people are.

~small timeskip~

When Felicia showed Azura and Alex where the two people are, they show a a young male, who looks to be his his late teens going into his 20s. He had short light blue hair with white, gold and light blue armor with a spear. He looks somewhat like Azura.

Next to him was a young girl who looks around the boy's age

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Next to him was a young girl who looks around the boy's age. She had short black hair with golden/yellow eyes. She had a gray cap with a ocean blue pin holding it together. She had a white top and a white skirt with two white strains keeping it together. She had white gloves with brown boots. She also had a brown bag around her waste.

 She also had a brown bag around her waste

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