chapter 9 wanderer

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~meanwhile in nohr~

"mwhahaha. so.... Kamui and (y/n) still live... and they know. they know a truth they should not. however, there is no need to worry. I've already set a plain in motion. the twins will easily be crushed. its impossible to stop me now. this world is already mine... it just don't know it yet! " King Garon said, but little did he knew Elise was listening to everything King Garon just said.

Elise was shocked.

"Father...who could you be talking to? and why are you saying that Kamui and (n/n) are going to be crushed? I don't like this-- I need to find Xander." Elise said.

"no, Elise. you shouldn't get involved" Camilla said as she walked to where Elise was standing.

"Camilla?" Elise asked as she turned around quickly.

"there's something not right about father. I sense something... not of this world..." Camilla said.

"But...if Kamui and (y/n) are in danger, shouldn't we help--" Elise said but was cut off.

"no. we mustn't act hastily. one wrong step and we could cause them more trouble. as painful as it may be to do. we need to hold back and watch for now." Camilla said.

"all right, Camilla. if you think that's best..." Elise said looking down.

(y/n) P.O.V

Me, Kamui, Gunter, Sakura, Azura, and Kaze where walking throw a rocky stair way.

I started to get tired, and I guessing i'm not the only one.

"by.the.gods" I said as I fell flat on my face.

"how many steps are there?" Kamui asked as he help me up.

"I don't know..." Alex said shrugging (her/his) arms.

"however. using the eternal stairway is the quickest way to our destination." Azura said.

"if I walk any more I might die" I winded.

'Don't be so extra' Dark said.

"Azura, you said that we're heading to Lzumo, right?" Sakura asked.

"yes, its our best chance of avoiding conflict with hoshido forces." Azura said.

"Lzomo has declared neutrality and wont allow fighting of any kind on their land" Alex said.

"hey.... is it just me or is the fog g-getting thicker?" Sakura asked shyly, just then 2 faceless came out of nowhere.

"Eeeek! its the faceless!" me and Sakura said in sync.

"stay back, lady Sakura!" Kaze said I moved Sakura behind me just in case.

'Wait don't-' Dark was about to say.

just then Kaze attack one of the faceless, then Kamui attacked the other faceless.

"I will cut you down!" Gunter yelled as he help Kamui and Kaze with the faceless, just then the two faceless turned into solders.

"what?! everyone, hold your attacks!" I said as I stopped my brother, Kaze, and Gunter from casing more harm to the two solders.

"the enemies we defeated... they aren't faceless! their humans!" Kamui said.

'Duh~ what else could it be blondie?' Dark said sounded slightly scared.

"oh no, it cant be... there are members of the wind tribe!" Azura said shocked.

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