chapter 11 mutual enemies

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(y/n) P.O.V

we were walking throw a desert area.

"hm? everyone, hold up!" Kamui said stopping us in our tracks.

"we see something in the distance" I said standing next to my brother.

"it looks like...." I said unfinish.

"a plume of smoke?" Kamui asked, as we saw a huge smoke cloud.

'why would some one smoke up the place?' Dark asked.

"that isn't just any smoke... it's my brother's smoke signal" Kaze said worriedly.

"Saizo's there?" Kamui asked.

"what does the smoke signal mean?" I asked worriedly.

"he is. and it means that he's engaging a large number of enemy troops." Kaze said.

"we need to go help him, then!" me and Kamui said in syc.

"no, lord Kamui and (lord/lady)(y/n), if he has sent that specific smoke signal... well, that isn't him asking for help. that signal is meant to warn allies away, he believe its too dangerous there. we....should head in a different direction." Kaze said, sounded a bit upset.

'boi that's mess up, he's your brother!' Dark said.

"you can be serious..." Kamui said.

"Kaze that's your own brother out there!" I told Kaze.

"no, me and my (brother/sister) made up our mind, everyone ready for battle!" Kamui said.

"we're going to help Saizo if you like it for not!" I said.

"lord Kamui and (lord/lady)(y/n), why? you both will be putting all in danger!" Kaze said.

"the enemy we are facing cant be beaten if we didn't gather allies" Kamui said.

"and we wont sit on our hands when an ally is in need!" I said.

"we have to be willing to help each other no matter how dangerous a situation is." Kamui said.

"if you two insist, lord Kamui and (lord/lady)(y/n), thank you both...." Kaze said.

and there we go.

~time skip~

we all ran and ended up somewhere in the woods.

"this looks like the place where the smoke signal was set up" Kamui said.

"do you think Saizo and his foes are still in the area?" I asked.

'IDK' Dark said.

"I don't know...." Alex said scratching the back of (her/his) head.

"it is difficult to tell, we're entered mokushu territory." Azura said.

"this are is heavily forested, making it easy to get lost, we should stay close." Alex said, then Azura looked down and saw something.

"looks, there are footsteps leading deeper into the forest, lets follow them." Azura said looking up.

~another time skip yay!~

we all flowed the footprints and may I say it felt like we walked forever.

"its so dark and g-gloomy here... its kind of scary, really" Sakura said.

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