Chapter 12 Frozen sea

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(y/n) P.O.V

we where on a bout traveling throw the ocean.

me and Kamui where below deck.

"whew, we arrived just in time to catch the ferries." Kamui said.

"GREAT!! I wanna get off because I think i'm gonna be sea sick." I said holding on to Kamui and Sakura walked over to us.

"Kamui, (n/n). you both should rest while we have this opportunity, to do so" Sakura said, then she handed me a bucket.

'just try not to get vomit on the deck' Dark said, laughing.

'you try not to get sea sick in your first bout ride' I thought.

'I had my first bout ride 100 years ago' Dark said.

'wait what?! how old are you?!' I thought, shocked.

'like, I don't know. 13 billion years or something. I forgot' Dark said, 'didn't I told you before?'

"it feels like we're been fighting constantly" Sakura said.

"your right- we'll make sure to take a nap soon" Kamui said.

"thanks Sakura" I said as I turn around a throw up n the bucket, as it couldn't get weirder on this journey my vomit was (f/c).

'what the fu**?!' I thought.

'hey!' a voice said, I look up to see a fox girl with purple hair?

'hey!' a voice said, I look up to see a fox girl with purple hair?

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'WHAT THE-?!' me and Dark thought/said shocked.

'hey it me Luna!!!' Luna, the purple haired fox.

'umm do I know you?' I thought.

'what?! you don't  know me (n/n)?' Luna asked, flapping her arms everywhere. 'Cookie hasn't told you?!'

'no' I thought shaking my head.

'here let me help you get to know me' Luna said as she place her hands on my head.

Memories flow through my head, almost all i need to know about her.

'oh, Now I see. but how did you get here?' I thought.

'though my portal from my world, silly' Luna said, smiling.

'why didn't you tell me sooner? and can Kamui see you?' I thought.

'I could but didn't feel like it, and no he cant see me because I can turn invisible' Luna said smiling.

'ok then?' I thought.

'keep me a secret for bit will ya (n/n)?' Luna asked, putting her finger over her lips.

'sure why not' I thought.

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