Chapter 27 hear my cry

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

a giant rock head, that looks pretty old, it appeared right in front of us.

a giant rock head, that looks pretty old, it appeared right in front of us

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'the f***' Dark said, confused.

"so....this is Anankos. he's uglier then I thought " I said.

"I've been waiting for you two, Kamui and (y/n)." Anankos said.

'wow, his voice is dry and dumb sounding just like I remember it' Dark said, I nearly laugh out loud.

"Anankos... you've been toying with us for too long" Kamui said.

"why? why is it wrong to manipulate human? your race is weak, it's forgotten it's place in the world--forgotten it's benefactors. you exist solely for the amusement of your better---dragons! so anwer me, Kamui and (y/n)! why am I the one left to suffer? why am I the one left to die? why do humans flourish while I am buried here...ignored...forgotten? TELL ME WHY!!" Anankos yelled, as he rise his head and let out a loud rour.

"holy grandpa!" Cookie gasped.

"answer me! answer me, you pathetic little humans, god, Pokémon and demon!" Anankos yelled.

'wait he can see me? like the Rainbow sage and Luna?' Dark asked.

'looks like it' Luna thought.

"ugh! how's this for an answer?! YYYYYEEEETTT--" i yelled as i ran up and slashed Anankos with my Yato, then jumped back, but it did nothing.

"it can't Yato doesn't even leave a scratch. SON OF A DOG!!!" i said.

"(bro/sis) calm down" Kamui told me.

"you dare bare your teeth at me?! i ashing out with your sharp sticks....Kamui, (y/n), Luna, Cookie! I will take your pathetic lives. then I will make your bodies my own. Kamui and (y/n) are the last of my blood line. you both will serve as vessel foe me! Cookie and Luna have special powers that make them the prefect tolls that makes them almost unstoppable. as for the demon, she shall make her suffer even more!!! " Anankos said.

"what does he mean by demon?" Kamui whispered to me.

"that's a story i have to tell you another time, but right noe isn't the best time" i whispered to him.

"as if we'd let you!!! everyone. protect the twins, Luna and Cookie!!" Xander said, as he ran in front of me and Kamui.

"we'll stop this monter! don't let Anankos anywhere near them!" Ryoma said, as he did the same thing as Xander.

"impudent thought you simple creatures could ever stop a dragon!" Anankos said, as he fired to magic balls things at Xander and Ryoma sending them on the ground.

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