Endgame- Anankos

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

Anankos in his dragon from standing in front of us with a glare as we looked in fear and shocked.

"impossible....this is impossible.....there's no way we can defeat that...." Takumi said.

"damn it! what can we possible do? the world is done for..." Leo said.

"hah, fate is a funny thing. I never thought my final moments would be alongside a hoshidan prince." Xander said with a chuckle.

"I couldn't say it better myself. but I won't die so easily. if our time has come. I'll meet it on my feet!" Ryoma said.

'for the sake of the gods you guys are not gonna die, your the main charters' Dark said.

"it can't be...." Alex said.  

"have we truly failed?" Azura asked.

"was everything for naught?" Alex asked.

"No...don't give up!" I yelled.

"no matter how massive this dragon seems. we can win as long as we work together!" Kamui said.

'power of friendship, as always' Dark said.

"don't stop believe in yourselves! we fought too hard to give up now!" I said.

"Kamui, (y/n)..." Xander muttered as he looked at us.

"of course..." Ryoma said.

"we won't back down!" I yelled.

"this is my....this is our destiny!" Kamui said.

"YAY!!" Luna shouted.

"ready for your weapons!" I said.

"fight for your friends!" Kamui said.

"with the seal of flames....with the fire emblem on our side!" I said.

"we fight for our world!!"Me and Kamui said.

the battle began.

a lot of enemies began to appear.

"this is gonna be fun" me and Dark said as I smiled like a crazy person.

Me and Kamui agreed to team up and go after Anankos.

we ran up to one of Anankos's hands/claws and began attacking it doing a lot of damage.

Anankos looked at us and blasted a fire ball, Luna then came in front of us and shielded us from the attack.

"you just keep doing what you guys are doing" Luna said as she fired her own fire balls at Anankos.

Kamui used her upgraded yato to comp of his hand/claw, and we began to run over the other one.

then I saw a group of enemies around Cookie as she tried to keep them back.

"Kamui I need to go help Cookie" I told him, he nodded as he tried to attack Anankos's other hand but got knock back far.

I ran up to Cookie but enemies stopped me.

I slashes the enemies that was around me, when the shadow died in front of me, I saw Cookie having trouble defending herself.

"Cookie!" I yelled as I tried to get to her, but enemies made me stop me.

"big (brother/sister)!" Cookie said as she blasted one of the enemies away from her.

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