chapter 17 black flames

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(y/n) P.O.V

we looked everywhere around us, to see nohrian soldiers and Lago frozen in place by Cookie's magic.

"jeez, why are there so many of them?!" I said, wining because I don't want to fight them all.

"do we need to retreat and regroup?" Kamui asked.

'but I want to stay a fight' Luna said.

'if I wasn't in (y/n)'s head I will-' Dark said but was cut of by me.

'until we save the world from the evil dragon you'll get your body back....maybe' I thought.

"I don't think we afford to flee" Azura said.

"if we run away, we may not be able to fight our way back to the bottomless canyon..." Alex said, sadly.

"then our only choice to stay and fight!" Kagura said angerly, and her eyes turn red with rage.

"but are we digging our own graves here?" Cookie asked, freaking out with tears in our eyes.

"this can't be how everything ends." Kamui said.

"we've came so far..." I said, sadly.

Ryoma put a hand our shoulders.

"don't worry, Kamui, (y/n), Cookie and Kagura. we'll be all right." Ryoma said

'ya, we'll be all right by fighting to the death' Dark said.

'oh shut up Darky your so emo' Luna said.

'I want to kill you so badly' Dark said.

"big brother Ryoma... we're just not sure" Cookie said worriedly.

"listen you guys, I didn't come all this way just to die or turn tail and run. everyone here has come to fight with you guys, because they believe in you two. including me. cast off your worries. no matter how dire things look, you four must fight on. the yatos chose you two to carry them. I know you both can do this, and Cookie, your the daughter of Zygarde, one of the most powerful pokemon in the world. I know your dad believes in you...all of us believe in you." Ryoma said, smiling.

"thank you, Ryoma/b-big brother" Me, Cookie, and Kamui said in syc.

"all right! let's do this!" i said.

"we don't have a choice!" Kamui said, "everyone prepare for battle!"

everyone let out their battle cry.

the battle began.

Cookie closed her eyes, and when she open them she transform into her pokemon form.

(just see it with a sun/moon neckless on, just like my normal form, and having one pink eye and one blood red, baby blue and live green eye)

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(just see it with a sun/moon neckless on, just like my normal form, and having one pink eye and one blood red, baby blue and live green eye)

'WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!' me and Dark thought/said and Luna just looked like this was normal.

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