Chapter 20 seeds of doubt

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(y/n) P.O.V

we were at a island with a lot of short broke down buildings, walls, towers and stuff....right now plants are mostly here.

"we'll have to get past this area in order to reach Gyges." Anthony said.

'I don't trust him' Dark said, for like the 1,000,000 time already.

'one he is our best shot we have right now to get to the dragon evil thing right now, and two can you shut up about it, your diving me crazy with I don't trust him thing' I thought.

'okay but if he stabs you in your sleep don't say I told you so or that I didn't warn you' Dark said, she's a pain (Deadpool: I know right? Me: not now Wade Deadpool: fine).

"hang on a second! why are there floating islands?!" Elise asked, she has been asking Cookie this for 3 hours now, and all Cookie has to say is 'magic maybe' or 'I'm not to sure'.

"my, now that is interesting...i'm guessing that we can use these bridges to cross between the floating island" Camilla said, pointing at the bridges that look old...and not that safe.

"those bridges look pretty old. though. . .you don't think that they'll. . . break. . .do you?" Sakura asked, worried.

"no, this is the direction I came. we'll be fine! probably." Anthony said, PROBABLY!!! I might have pooped my pants a bit.

"probably? probably isn't very encouraging." Hinoka said, angerly and worriedly.

"guys! guys! chill, remember, me and Luna can fly on our own and if you guys fall we'll catch you and Aqua has water powers so we will be fine" Cookie said, trying to make everybody to feel better.

"ya water and flying might help us" Aqua said.

"and we're awesome, and have you seen us on the battle field? we're beasts!! YEET!!!!!!!" Luna said.

"it looks like there are enemies stationed our way too...." Hinoka said, still worried.

"but the bridges are the only path..." Kagura said, crossing her arms.

"we'll have to move fowrod" Takumi said.

"if it will reassure you all. i'll cross this bridge first! I know its safe but i'll prove it to you!" Anthony said, wait what? is he ten or something?

and now he ran off.....IN THE NAME OF THE GODS!!!!

"what? hey! get back here! don't run off!" Takumi yelled out.

"to late, pineapple boy" I said.

'his gonna get himself killed...oh well' Dark said, I sometimes will I could hit her, but I don't wanna hurt myself.

Anthony ran across the bridge like the flash! jk he runs walked.

"look everyone! it's fine! follow me!" Anthony yelled to us, smiling.

"hmm. . .I suppose it looks all right, and it did brake Cookie, Aqua and Luna could help us if we fall. lets go." Leo said.

all of us began to walk across the bridge, Takumi, Kagura and Cookie were behind us.

"w-wait! the bridge...the bridge is collapsing! we have to go!" Xander said.

"everyone cross quickly!!!" Ryoma shouted, Leo made it but Kagura, Takumi and Cookie are hanging from the edge, but Cookie picked up Kagura and placed her next to Luna.

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