chapter 3 journey begins

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(y/n) P.O.V

Me, Kamui and Elise went to visit Father.

"all right. Kamui and (n/n). let's go in there together. i'll help as much as possible. this is our Father we're talking about. he has to forgive you both. right?" Elise asked smiling.

'ya the Father that tried to kill you' the dark voice said.

"thanks. Elise. we hope your right" Kamui said looking at Elise.

"ya" I said standing behind Kamui.

"all right. deep breath. and... here we go" Elise said taking a deep breath.

"Father! we have something we need to talk to you about!" Elise shouted at the door.

" gah hah ha!" Father laugh.(?)

"Father?" Me and Kamui asked.

"it sounds like he's with someone... maybe we should come back later." Elise said

"hrmph! who's there?" Father asked annoyed.

"oh! sorry to bother you. Father..." Elise said.

"yes. we apologies" I said.

"if this isn't a good time" Kamui said.

"what do you three want?" Father asked annoyed.

"Father. we're here to apologies. Right Kamui and (n/n)?" Elise asked us.

"yes that's right" I said.

"we're sorry for questioning you" Kamui said next.

"you may enter" Father said.

as we walked in me and Kamui looked around to see who Father was taking to but we saw nothing but Father sitting down in front of us.

" Kamui and (y/n)... you two disobeyed a direct order from me. ordinarily you two would not be alive" Father said coldly.

"we understand..." Me and Kamui said in syc as we lower our heads.

"no! Father. I can explain-" Elise said but was cut of by Father.

"silence! as you both are my children. Kamui and (y/n). I will grant you both some leeway. I have something in mind for you both. a mission.if you both complete this task successfully. I will pardon your crime in full" Father said to us.

"Really?!" Me and Kamui asked lifting our heads.

"what sort of mission?" Kamui asked.

"there is an abandoned fortress perched on the hosidan border. I wish to know if the building there reminds serviceable. you both are to travel to the site and inspect the premises. no battle will be required. do you understand? I wont be tolerate being disappointed twice... " Father told us.

"Yes. Father. it shall be done. right (brother/sister) (y/n)?" Kamui asked.

"yepy depy" I said smiling.

~time skip~

"darlings. are you two sure you're going to be okay out there? I don't like this" Camilla asked worriedly.

"of course!" I said.

"please don't worry. it's just an abandoned fort" Kamui told our older sister.

"ya and if it not abandoned will be fine" I said hugging Kamui.

'ya, your to confidant' the dark voice rang again.

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