chapter 14 orders

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~meanwhile in nohr~

in the castle Xander walked up to Lago.

"ah... welcome home, lord Xander." Lago said, bowing.

"hello, Lago. it's a rare thing for you to greet me upon my return." Xander said, with a glare.

"is it? my apologies for being so inconsiderate. though i'm surprised you returned at all. I heard about what happened in nestra. you failed to kill the traitors as our king demands..." Lago said.

"I have no time for this now. I need to report to father." Xander said, and with that, he walked past Lago.

then Hans (ugly boldy) walked up to Lago.

"if I had to guess, i'd say that his encounter with Kamui and (y/n) shook his faith. would you agree Hans?" Lago asked the bold man.

"that could be true of the others, but not lord Xander. he's nohrrain to the bone, and he did turn down Kamui's and (y/n)'s pleas to join..." Hans said.

"and yet princess Camilla joined in a heartbeat. it's disgusting how taken she is with Kamui and (y/n). if we aren't careful, we risk losing more of the royal children. it would be wise to keep a closer eye on that merry, traitorous little army." Lago said.

but behind the pillars Elise was hearing very word Lago and Hans said.

"...did I hear that right? Camilla is with Kamui and (y/n)? I knew Kamui and (n/n) weren't traitors...time for me to act too!" Elise said.

~with Xander and Leo~

Xander was walking up to King Garon's room, with Leo walking beside him.

"welcome back, brother. i wanted to speak with you about Father. he seems to have gotten worse... " Leo said, as they walked closer to Father.

"not another word, Leo. Father is just under the weather--that's all. you know how war can weigh on the body and spirit. once we win, he'll recover. I believe in him. I will continue to believe in him. that's how I live my life." Xander said, as they stopped in front of King Garon's door.

"I understand what your saying, but... I don't know if you'll feel the same after you see this." Leo said,as they enter King Garon's room.

"what's he-?" Xander asked but was cut of king Garon standing up and raising his arms.

"mwaha... hahaha..." king Garon laugh like a crazy person.

"Father?" Xander asked a bit worried in his voice.

"the war...must continue. it must spread...burn it all...burn everything to the ground. not even...ashes should remain." king Garon said looking up, with a evil crazy smile.

"Father! what's wrong?!" Xander asked worried about his Father's behaver.

"Xander? do not interrupt me! ever! listen and be silent! destroy hoshido... destroy nohr!" King Garon said.

"what?!" Xander asked shocked.

"both nations are completely useless to me...this entire world should be...reduced to nothing but dust!Gwahahahahahaha...MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" King Garon laughing evily.

"...Father." Xander said, to shocked to say anything else,

Leo and Xander walked away from King Garon.

"do you see what I mean now? it's like he's become a completely different person. like...he's being controlled by something." Leo said.

"you really think he's being controlled?" Xander asked his younger brother.

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