chapter 15 rainbow sage

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(don't dislike the music 0-0)

(y/n) P.O.V

we finally arrived at notre sagesse.

we went into a old looking building and saw an old man.

"greetings, travelers! it must have taken you some effort to reach notre sagesse. do you two have business here?" the old man asked me and Kamui.

"we've heard that a man known as the rainbow sage lives here." Kamui explain.

"we REALLY need him--could you please tell us where we might find him?" I asked.

"Hmm... those weapons you two are holding.... those are the yatos, isn't it?" the old man asked.

"Hm? oh yes! they are!" I said clapping.

"we're surprised you recognized them" Kamui said.

"why do you two wish to meet the sage? do you two seek power?" the old man asked.

"no of the no's" I said.

"we want to ask him a question." Kamui said.

'a question huh?' Dark asked.

'I hope he can give me wings' Luna said.

'if he can see you that is...' Dark said.

"ahhh. so you both are after knowledge, then. fascinating...on top of mount sagesse is the sevenfold sanctuary. the sage is said to reside on the highest floor of that place. the mountain itself is quite high. so most people don't even reach the sanctuary." the old man said.

"oh, that's easy for me I can just-" I said but was cut of by the old man.

"you can't teleport, the sage wouldn't aloud it, and...that's all I know, really" the old man said.

'not fair' Luna said.

'life isn't fair' Dark said.

'shut up' Luna said.

"thank you for your help" Kamui said.

"if we learn more about the sage as we go, we'll be sure to share what we learn" I said smiling.

"try your best not to die on the way up!" the old man said.

I wander what he meant.


we were walking on the mountain and may I say it toke FOREVER the even get half way and we're still not there yet.

"the old man wasn't kidding . this is the steepest hike I've ever done..." Takumi said.

"are you doing okay? hey, everyone! if you feel tried or faint, make sure to speak up! we can always rest." Kamui asked everyone.

"how about you, Kamui and (n/n)? your faces looks a bit flushed...if you need me to. I can carry you both on my back like when you two are small!" Camilla said.

"ah...i'll be fine, thanks." Kamui said.

"I think I need to...I might faint" I said.

"oh darling, come here" Camilla said, as she put me on her back.

"thanks big sis" I thanked her.

"it's no problem darling" Camilla said smiling.

"uh-oh...AHHH!!!" Elise yelled, as she fall into Sakura's arms.

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