chapter 16 white flames

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~meanwhile with Yukimura~

Yukimura and the some hoshidan warriors are protecting the castle from nohrian warriors.

"no nohrian attacks can break through my defenses! lord Ryoma entrusted me with aiding Lady Hinoka in protecting this castle. even if it cost me my life. I will not fail!" Yukimura said.

just then a voice yelled out.

"don't worry, Yukimura! I've returned!" Ryoma yelled.

Ryoma and Scarlet came in and toke down two of the warriors that were in stand in their way.

"lord Ryoma!" Yukimura yelled in shock that Ryoma returned so early.

"two down... up for more Scarlet?" Ryoma asked the blond warrior.

"oh, you bet I am!" Scarlet said, as she got her axe.(this is why she is one of my fav)

~small time skip~

when Ryoma, Scarlet and Yukimura ended there battle, they grouped up.

"lord Ryoma! i'm so glad to see you unharmed!" Yukimura said, smiling.

"it's good to be back. i'm sorry that you had to care everything for so long." Ryoma said.

"hey there. those glasses of yours are pretty sharp! any chance you could point me towered wherever I can get a pair?" Scarlet asked jokingly.

"what? who are you?" Yukimura asked.

"ah. I forgot to introduce her. this is Scarlet. she was part of a resistance group in nohr. we became friends in cheve, and she's returned with me to lend a hand. some of her fighters came, as well. they'll help defend castle shirasagi." Ryoma explain.

"glad to meet you!" Scarlet said with a smile.

"ahh, yes... the pleasure is all mine..." Yukimura said, with a bow.

"by the way, Yukimura. I ran into Kamui and (y/n) in nestra... " Ryoma said.

"lord Kamui and (lord/lady)(y/n) made it all the way there?" Yukimura asked.

"indeed. they asked me to join them in trying to end the fighting." Ryoma said.

"... they said the same thing to me when we met at fort jinya. they said that, if I wanted to help then, I should meet them at the bottomless canyon. they also said I had to be there before the skies over hoshido and nohr change color. Kamui and (y/n) claimed there was more, but that there was more, but they weren't able to share it..." Yukimura explain.

"huh... so they told us the same thing...I don't think its in Kamui and (y/n)'s nature to lie, and there's a leadership quality about them that just attracts followers even thought (y/n) is a playful one. I remember being jealous of them as a child, in fact. even at such young ages, they displayed the characteristics of rulers. silly to be jealous of them right?" Ryoma asked.

"lord Ryoma..." Scarlet said.

"I wonder if that played a part in my transgression against them." Ryoma said

"what do you mean?" Scarlet asked the lobst-er I mean Ryoma. (Ryoma: *facepalms* what went wrong in your life? Me: EVERYTHING BECAUSE I"M STILL A KID!!!!)

"the day that the nohrians came and kidnapped Kamui and (y/n)... I was there. if I been stronger. I could have been able to stop them. I failed my duty as am older brother. I knew it then, and I still feel that pain. and I can't be sure that I tried my hardest... because of that jealousy." Ryoma said.

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