Part 11: The reveal

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You come up to the masked assassin and speak their name "Maria? This cannot be true." You use the last of your magic to reveal their true self. Maria's face melts away to Ava Banner "Now that is not a surprise. I was scared for Ed for a second there." The Avengers start to show up. The first of them to be her father. He looks at her in shock "Ava? She couldn't have. That's not my daughter." Ed shrugs "It's improved since you came, at least for me it has." You nod with him "Agreed though I thought Ava did not have powers. How was she able to teleport?"

Dr.Banner walks next to her "Maybe she used a device? What if she was mind controlled?! This could have not been her doing!" Your father walks up to her and starts using his magic before someone in a dark figure dressed much like Ava appears in the room. You try to use your magic again but end with dizzy spells. James pulls you close in his arms "You used a lot of your magic. You can't do that again."

Your father questions them, ask who they were. They reply quietly "Darkness and death. I've come for my partner and her target. Step aside or my best work will be unleashed on you all." Your father and all the Avengers power up "No. It's going to take more than an empty threat to allow me to stand down." The person chuckles "Very well." He flies into the air before opening portals with demon looking things start running out of it.

In the commotion, the guy takes Ava away. James goes into the fight himself. You are too weak to do anything so you try your best to get out of their way. A demon comes at you so you blast them with a weak magic spell. It pushes them away but not before causing you to lose your senses. You walk away from the scene as your tiredness is causing you to be unable to process properly. The new masked assassin appears before you "You're too weak to fight me. You would be a nice hostage."

You try to blast him but ended up falling into him. James comes around the corner and punches them "Don't touch them!" He sends the guy down the hall before quickly picking you up "I really miss your magic right now." He runs you into a different room before turning to go after the guy. He appears before throwing something at the both of you. As you smell it you recognize it immediately "Nightshade."

You pass out seconds after breathing it in. (Time skip brought to you by getting to cuddle with Tom Holland)

You wake up in a cell next to James. You look at him closely to see his lip is split and he has blood on his forehead. You're magic is weak but you heal him. He wakes up to you before grabbing your hand that hovers over his face. He whispers "You're awake! Pretend to stay asleep. They won't do anything to you if you do." Lights fly on and you immediately do as James says.

You hear laughter and footsteps. Someone talks "Wake up! We got some more interrogation to get back to! Unless you want to give us the information." It's Ava. James spits at them "Never." They drag him away before looking over you "Are they sleeping beauty or something? They need to wake up!"

James explains "You made them use their magic too much. They go into a coma-like state." You hear Ava walk away before you start hearing grunts down the hall, they're torturing James. Your eyes fly open to Ava's face "Gotcha!" She grabs you before throwing you against the wall "Not so tough without your magic? I need to even the scoreboard." She punches you in the gut before hitting you hard in the head. She's a lot stronger.

A regular human could not hurt you like this "What the hell happen to you?" You cough out. She smiles "My new boyfriend juiced me up. I'm as strong as you now." You give a bloody smile "Darling, you could never be as powerful as me." She punches you again in the head causing you to drop to the ground and spit out blood. You wipe your mouth clean before she leaves and brings back James with blood coming from his nose and mouth "You got some information and James here isn't giving it up. So it's your turn."

You shake your head "I don't know what you would be looking for." She pulls out a knife "Your father's vault on Earth with the most powerful weapons in the galaxy. They're worth much more than pretty boy here." You shrug "I wouldn't tell you even if I knew." She starts cutting James "He's been doing this for days now. I don't think he can take it anymore."

He starts yelling as they dig deeper into him. You can't take it anymore "Fine! Stop it! Don't hurt him! I will show you the vault but it requires magic. I'm not strong enough and you hurting us is not going to speed up that process." They open the cell and throw James in "Fine you have two days to recharge." They leave and you immediately go to help him "Oh gods James! They cut you pretty deep."

You start healing him before he grabs your hand and holds it close. There's blood falling down his face as he speaks to you "Just hold my hand for a second." You do and wipe the blood away. There's a sense of peace between you two there in that cell that lasts into the night.

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