Part 28: A dab of the dark side

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As you and Mr.Dr doom come out of your portal, you appear in Central Park. "Of all places, why here?" He sighs before putting out his hand "You'll find out in a minute. Just follow me." You don't want to but what choice do you have? There has to be a way out. There always is. A thought crosses your mind. There is a way but not only has your father forbid you from doing it, but so has every mystical arts teacher has too. It's very possible to do especially with your strengthen magic now.

Well considering your situation, they would hopefully understand. It's now or never. You take his hand. As you do, you bring yourself into him. You pull him down for a kiss. Your magic glows green as it starts up. It flares up as it travels through you and into your lips. It goes into his skin and directly to his head. His eyes glow the same green as yours before you break away from him. The light dwindles before he smiles to you. You stumble a little as you catch your breath. He grabs your hand before looking to you "Hey are you alright?"

His mind becomes clouded as he tries to think back to the past few minutes. His eyes start to run wild as he thinks "What...?" You take his hand as you speak softly to him. His eyes turn back to your magical green as you speak "You must have side effects from me teleporting you. Now, where are you taking me?" He speaks with no soul behind his words. Just an empty puppet "Red skull's base underground." You smile at him before you decide to make a difference in your magic. You flare your magic again to fix a small problem.

The green in his eyes dies back to original before his appear does too. He grips your hand before guiding you down towards what looks like a secret entrance. As you blindly follow him, you question him "Are you going to protect me?" He smiles as he looks back "For you, I would die to protect you." You smile happily before looking down to your free hand as your magic glows a little "Well, that definitely worked!" He looks confused but doesn't question it.

He leads you into an underground maze of twists and turns before finally reaching a massive hanger filled with enough weapons to take over the U.S.A. with ease "Holy sh*t. There's enough here to wipe out New York!" He continues to guide you down as you get a full view of everything. Tanks, missiles, plains, every sort of weapon imaginable was there. How in the world did they get this built without anyone noticing? As you start to reach the bottom, you see Red Skull talking to Dr. Doom.

Your heart starts racing. You have no idea what's going to happen and Mr. Doom junior here can only do so much. You take a huge deep breath before Mr.Doom jr walks you up to them. They both look up in surprise "You convenes them to actually come? I thought you would be dragging them here." Dr.Doom tells his son in shock. He nods before pushing you towards them "I told them what you would do to the twins if they didn't." Red skull's red skin stretches back into a smile "Excellent! Walk this way."

He gently pushes you. You stop to stand your ground. Everyone notices before Mr.Doom whispers to you "You might want to move." You turn away from him before you yell at them "Where are the twins?!" Red Skull sighs before coming back to you "You should be more worried about yourself." You get in his face, allowing him to see your furious face. You say as level as possible "I don't care. Do your worst. Where are they?!" He backs off before moving towards a room.

You follow behind him. You turn into the room with them all within close proximity. Red skull walks up to a panel. He looks back before his smile spreads wider as he presses a button. The panels covering the windows go up to revel the twins. They're not babies anymore. They're actually older than you. Anger starts to fill you as you look at them. They're both sitting on their beds, staring off into space. They glance over to you, letting you see them. They're alive but whatever he did, they're dead inside. You're magic burns bright as you turn to Red Skull "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!"

Dr.Doom corrects you "What Doom did. It's what we're going to do to you." Soldiers storm in with advance guns. You pull out two large swords from you as you prepare yourself. Ready for another fight?

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