seventy-four // facetime calls

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I opened the hotel room cautiously, not sure if Reece was sleeping. Greeted my loud snores as I entered, my question was quickly answered.

I shut the door quietly behind me and kicked off my shoes. I sighed and stood there in the darkness for a moment, closing my eyes and trying to think about what Jaiden said.

"You can't like both of these boys. You like one and like the idea of the other. It's up to you to decide who fits where."

I felt against the wall for the washroom. I flicked on the light, entered, and locked the door.

I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on Trent's number. I wasn't sure if I expected him to answer or not. I just needed to talk to one of the Harrison boys that wasn't Reece.

He answered after four rings. "Hey!"

"Hi," I nibbled on my thumbnail, "sorry I've been MIA."

"Don't even sweat, we all understand how busy you must be." He smiled wearily. "Mom called and said the funeral was this morning. Are you doing all right?"

"Hanging in there." I shrugged. "I feel it's gonna be a rough few days coming up."

"And that's totally okay." He nodded. "Flynn's been waiting for you to call, by the way."

I smiled. "My little nugget, ugh, I miss him and Charlie so much."

Trent frowned playfully. "You don't miss me?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know I miss the rest of y'all."

"Yeah, I do." He winked. "I'll go get Flynn, one sec."

He put me on pause as he shot a text to his brother. From my end of the phone, I could literally hear Flynn's footsteps coming up the stairs before he burst into Trent's room, panting like a dog. Trent was dying with laughter as he came off pause.

"Gimme that!" Flynn snatched the phone from Trent's hand and ran to his room, I assumed. He slammed the door, turned on the light, flopped on his bed, and smiled brightly into the camera. "Hi, best friend, I fucking miss you!"

His smiled faded almost as quickly as it came. "I'm also upset with you because you didn't let me say goodbye."

I wanted to frown but he was so cute that I couldn't. "I know, I'm sorry. It was kind of a last minute thing. I owe you an endless amount of hugs when I get back."

"Hell yeah you do," he said. "I'm gonna pounce on you at the airport, so prepare yourself."

"Yes sir," I chuckled. "How's Charlie and the rest of your brothers?"

"They're good. Charlie's been missing you extra; probably more than me." Flynn admitted. "Everyday it's, "where's Hunter?", "when is Hunter coming back?", "I miss Hunter." Like damn, I didn't know how close y'all really were."

"He's kinda hard not to love unconditionally." I shrugged. "But all jokes aside, I miss you so much, Flynn. You, Trent, the twins, Brant, Dean, the other twins, Luca, Xavier, Charlie, and PJ. All of y'all."

"We miss you too, Hunt." He frowned for real this time. "But you're coming back tomorrow and we can binge watch Supernatural and eat junk all day."

"I can't wait." I smiled. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Flynn nodded. "Of course, what's up?"

"Reece has had girlfriends before, right?"

"Too many. Why?"

I chewed on my bottom lip before speaking. "What was he like when, you know, he was dating?"

Flynn scratched his head in thought. "Well, he was good to them, did the basic shit that guys should do to be gentlemen. He was the one ended all of his relationships, though, so obviously there was something going on."

I frowned. Flynn's eyebrows knitted together. "Why? Everything okay?"

His eyes widened and mouth dropped before I could answer. "You guys didn't hook up, did you!?"

"Kissed, but that's about it." I pushed my hair back.

"I can see the stress on your face. You shouldn't be stressing about boys, you should be grieving for your mother." He frowned. "Go to sleep, okay? We'll talk more when y'all get back."

"Okay, yeah, you're right." I sighed. "I love you, Flynn. Take care."

"I love you too, bestie." He waved before hanging up the phone. I flicked off the lights and exited the bathroom, slipping into bed and staring into the darkness once again.

"Hunter?" Reece's groggy voice caused me to jump.

"Yeah?" I replied softly.

"You okay?"


"Okay, I'm gonna sleep now."

I laughed. "You do that. Goodnight, Reece."



apologies for the very short chapter. honestly i had no idea how to finish it.

hunter's gonna make her decision very sooooon.

are y'all team runter or team huliver?

i'm team really fucking indecisive.


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