seventy-three // conflicted

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(lmao and this is coming from a sixteen year old)


My friends were staying in a different hotel, so we promised to call each other an hour before leaving to the airport so we could decide a meeting place.

I had said my goodbyes to Dad, Lia, Grandma and Grandpa Jamieson, and Grandma Peters. They would all come and visit during the summer, and Dad would bring his wife. I was strangely excited to meet her.

Hanna, Liam, Reece, and I had headed back to the hotel to call it a very early night. When Reece and I entered our room, we closed the curtains and tried to keep the room as dark as possible. He put a towel over one of the lamps after turning it on so it lit up the room very dimly.

"You doing okay?" He asked as he lied down on his bed. Reece had changed into a pair of sweats, but kept his shirt off.

"Better than I thought I'd be." I admitted. I had taken off my dress and changed into shorts and an oversized sweatshirt. Theo's.

"That's good." Reece took in a deep breath. "I'm exhausted, man."

"Me and you both." I sighed. "I need to sleep for at least a week."

Reece laughed. I climbed off my bed and walked over to his, sitting on the floor beside it. I touched his arm. "Thank you for convincing me to come."

"No worries," he smiled, "I knew you'd discover a lot here. Imagine if you didn't come."

"I probably would've regretted it for the rest of my life." I shook my head.

After staying on the floor for about five minutes, Reece patted the spot next to him. Without thinking, I climbed up beside him. I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Did you know that my friends were coming?" I asked quietly.

"Not until two days ago." He said. "Kevin texted me before they took off."

I smiled a bit. "Aren't they all amazing?"

"You've got some keepers, that's for sure." He agreed. "I was kinda surprised when I saw Jaiden, though. I didn't know you two were friends."

"He was the first one I met. We have most of the same classes so he showed me where to go." I explained. "He swears he doesn't like us but I think we're growing on him."

Reece chuckled quietly. "I'm sure you are."

I turned my head to the side. Reece was lying on his back as well, eyes glued to the ceiling. He was clenching and unclenching his jaw. He stopped after a while and began chewing on his bottom lip.

Looking at him, I began to think about how far we had come. From the moment I had entered Dallas, he had been there. Even when he was mad at me, he was still there.

"Are you just gonna stare at me the whole time?" He smiled, but kept his eyes on the ceiling. I felt heat rush to my face and averted my eyes.

"I'm playing," he knocked my knee with his own.

"Hey," he whispered. I felt his eyes on me. "Look at me."

I did. I looked at him and met those eyes of his. His bright blue ones; eyes that reminded me of oceans in the Bahamas, and clear skies on a sunny day.

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