fifty-three // lazy day

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I woke up a few hours later. Oliver was tucked into his sleeping bag, snoring away. I smiled a bit and reached for my phone that was resting on his nightstand.

Texts from Kevin, Liam, and Hanna popped up on my lock screen, all of them basically the same.

kev : are you okay?? oliver told me you had an panic attack??

hanna : honey please call me when you're awake. oliver texted me about you having an panic attack.

liam : hey, text me when you're up. let's talk about what happened, yeah?

I sighed and got up, dialing Hanna's number as I walked out of his room and into a bathroom down the hall. I locked the door behind me.

"Hello?!" Despite it being seven o'clock in the morning on a Sunday, Hanna sounded wide awake.

"Hi, Hanna," my voice was hoarse, so I cleared it and repeated myself. "Hi Hanna,"

"Oh honey," she sounded like she was about to cry, "are you okay?"

I looked at myself in the mirror, and tried to flatten out my bedhead and magically rub away my under-eye bags. "Yeah, I, uh, yeah, I guess."

"What happened?" She asked. "Did he pressure you to do anything?"

"No!" I probably denied it a little too quickly, but I didn't care. "He didn't, I promise. We were...we were gonna go to sleep, and I had to get in the bed first, and uh, just some old memories came back from the way we were standing and I freaked myself out, I suppose? I scared the shit out of him while I was at it. Jesus Christ."

"Hunter," she sighed, "are you sure?"

"Hanna, I swear. That's all that happened." I hopped up on the counter and pushed my hair out of face. "I freaked out. I thought about the bad things and ruined a good moment."

She was silent for a moment before letting out a little sigh. "Are you gonna spend the day there?"


"Be careful, honey, okay?"

"I will." I assured her. "Can you tell Liam that I'm okay?"

"Of course. Call me if anything happens." She said.

"Yes ma'am. Bye Hanna."

"Bye sweetheart."

I hung up the phone and sent Kevin a text saying that I was okay. I set my phone down and let out a heavy sigh, just staring at the wall.

A small knock came at the bathroom door. "Hunter?"

"Come in." I said. Oliver opened the door a little bit, and then walked in fully and closed it behind him.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently.

I nodded. "I'm okay."

I held my hand out to him, and he took it, giving mine a squeeze.

"Is your family home?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "They usually disappear and do their errands on Sunday's. They're not usually back until around 8:00pm."

"Oh, okay."

"You should go back to bed." Oliver dropped my hand. "Get some more sleep, you know?"

"I'm not tired." I told him.


"Stop that!"

He looked taken back by the sudden raise of my voice. "Stop what?"

"Stop saying my name like I'm some sort of child." I felt my tears coming back and wanted to internally slap myself for being such a fucking baby. "Stop saying my name with so much sympathy behind it."

"How else do you want me to say it? I'm worried, Hunter." His face hardened and he began clenching and unclenching his jaw. "You had a panic attack last night and I'm afraid that the next move I make will cause you to have another one."

"But I told you that it wasn't your fault!" I hopped down from the counter and looked up at him. "It wasn't your fault, Oliver. Stop beating yourself up over it, please."

He refused to look at me. I reached up and touched his face gently. "Oliver,"

He closed his eyes. I stood on my tip-toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "It wasn't your fault." I whispered.

Oliver opened his eyes and looked at me. I never realized how pretty his eyes were. They were a cold grey, but held so much warmth behind them. Was that even a thing?

I gave him the best smile I could at that moment. He returned it.

"I was serious about you getting more rest." He said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You need it. You were tossing and turning a lot during the night."

"Only if you're here with me."

"Where else would I be?"

That being said, Oliver and I left the bathroom and headed back into his bedroom. As he closed the door, I went to his bed and lied back down, moving closer towards the wall this time.

Oliver walked towards the bed, but went to lie down in his sleeping bad. I made a noise that got his attention, and then patted the space next to me.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded.

After a few moments of contemplation, he climbed in the bed and covered the both of us. I inched closer to him and rested my head against his shoulder.

"I didn't mean to scare you." I whispered. "Last night, I mean."

"I know." He said. The silence that followed was If you listened hard enough, I swear you could hear both our heartbeats.

"I'll be right back." Oliver finally said, and got out of bed. He left the room and I heard him go downstairs.

I reached over and picked up my phone from a nightstand. I had two missed texts, one from Kevin and one from...Reece?

kevin : we're going out for ice cream tonight. i'll pick you up around 7.

reece : you okay? my mom told me what happened.

I replied to Kevin first. ice cream sounds amazing. i'll let you know when i'm home.

I stared at Reece's text. It was a simple question that could receive a simple answer, so why the fuck was I overthinking it so heavily?

I just sucked it up and replied. yeah, i'm fine.

Now, was that so hard?

I set my phone down, and just then, Oliver came back into the room.

I sat up. "Everything okay?"

He nodded and walked over to the bed. He kissed the top of my head, then my cheek, and then placed an ever-so-gentle kiss on my lips. Oliver got into bed and lied down. I blinked for a few seconds, trying to process what happened.

I looked down at him, and he seemed scared to see my reaction, and was just staring off into space. I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me, and we stayed like that until we both fell asleep again, but not before stealing a few more kisses.

Surviving the Harrison Boys (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now