sixty-five // dad, grandma, and grandpa jamieson

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Lia and I pulled up to my old house, and we both released a heavy, collective sigh once she turned off the car. We sat in silence for a few moments, watching the house intensely.

"I guess I didn't realize how unready I was to meet the family." She said quietly.

"Me and you both." I agreed. After a few more moments of hesitation, we exited the car and approached the house. I rang the doorbell.

Liam opened the door. He smiled at the sight of us and let us in. "Am I okay to assume that everything went well?"

"It was great." I confirmed. "Liam, this is Lia. Lia, this is Liam. I live with his family in Dallas." 

"It's nice to meet you." Lia and Liam briefly hugged. "Thank you for taking care of her. Really, it means a lot knowing she's been in good hands for the last few months."

"It's been a pleasure, she's a great kid." He winked at me. I smiled and punched his arm lightly.

"Are our grandparents here?" I asked. "Our mom's parents."

"Yeah, your grandmother arrived earlier this morning." He said. He pulled me aside. "Your father is here as well."

"Maurice?" I whispered, feeling a panic rise in my chest.

"No, your biological father." He said.

"Wait, you knew?"

"I read your letter before giving it you." He admitted. "I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't be too much for you. But yes, I know now. I wasn't aware before, I thought Maurice was your biological father. Although now I see the resemble between you and Aaron. We all went to high school together. We weren't friends, but I knew him."

I took a deep breath. Liam patted my back. "He's very excited to meet you, Hunter. You're gonna be okay."

I nodded, and together with Lia and Liam, we entered the living room. There was an awkward tension that hung in the air. My paternal grandmother and maternal grandparents all sat separately. Hanna and Reece were awkwardly squished together on a small couch. A man in a dress shirt and dress pants stood in the corner, his eyes adrift, a glass of whiskey in his hand. When he looked up, we both gasped. And I thought I looked my mother.

My paternal grandmother stood and rubbed her hands on her skirt, looking between me and the nicely dressed man. My maternal grandparents stood as well.

"It's nice to see you, Hunter." My maternal grandmother spoke. "I'm Miranda Jamieson, but Grandma Jamieson is just fine." She placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. "John Jamieson, Grandpa Jamieson."

"Did my mom not take Maurice's last name?" I asked.

"She did, but she gave you her maiden name." Grandpa Jamieson explained. She pointed to my paternal grandmother. "Katherine Peters, Grandma Peters. I heard introductions didn't go well yesterday so I thought I would do them."

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, uh, thank you."

Grandma Peters pointed towards the nicely dressed man. "This is your father, Hunter. Your biological father, Aaron Winfield."

We looked at each other again. His eyes, as blue as mine, were just kind of just blank. Not exactly blank, but he looked like he didn't know what to do.

Lia squeezed my arm. I waved. "Hi,"

He laughed half-heartedly and waved back. "Hey,"

My maternal grandparents both smiled at me. I walked over to them and gave them a big hug. My grandmother sighed and sniffed. "I'm so happy you're here."

I pulled away and smiled at the both of them. Mom took after her mom, that's for sure. Same facial features, same soft expressions. She probably got her bitch-face from Grandpa.

My dad just stood, watching us carefully. I went over to him next. He let out a sigh and bit his lip. He was beginning to choke up. "God, you're so beautiful."

"Please don't cry." I whispered.

"How can I not?" He shrugged. "I walked away from such a beautiful baby. If I had only stayed in your life, in your mother's life, then maybe—"

"Aaron," Grandma Jamieson cut him off, "don't. You are not to blame for Angelica's suicide. She was already far down a bad path when you met and Hunter was conceived. She would've just dragged you along with her. You did it for yourself, there was nothing you could've done."

Grandma Jamieson walked up to him and held his hand in her small, wrinkled hands. "Don't you dare think for second that you're responsible in anyway. It's just an unfortunate series of events."

My father nodded and wiped his face. He shook his head. "I'm such a crybaby."

"I see where I get it from." I said. He laughed.

"Can I give you a hug?" He asked. I nodded and my father hugged me tightly. It was the best bear hug I had ever received. And I don't know what it was, but in that moment, as cheesy as it sounds, I felt like a missing piece of me had finally been placed.

Dad pulled away and let out a sharp breath, straightening out my hair. "You like burgers?"

I scoffed. "Who doesn't like burgers?"

"I know right?" He made a face. "Your step-mom's a health freak and doesn't let me eat burgers often. Why don't we go grab a burger?"

I turned to Liam. "Is that okay?"

"You don't have to ask, honey." He said softly. I turned to Hanna. She nodded. Reece was smiling. He looked so proud.

"Let's go grab a burger." I confirmed. We high-fived and said goodbyes to everyone, heading out of the house.

"Here are my keys, wait in the car. I'll be right back." He handed his car keys. I nodded and headed to his car, a black convertible.

"Nice taste." I said to myself as I climbed in.

I pulled out my phone and saw that I was put into a Snapchat groupchat with Jaiden, Amandla, Priya, Katya, and Kevin.

katya : where is this bitch. someone tell her to get on so she can explain her sudden disappearance.

amandla : calm down, kat. it's not even that deep, i'm sure she has an explanation.

katya : we're her friends! she can't just dip on us like that and not say anything!

amandla : but keep in mind we all just became friends. she don't owe us shit if she doesn't wanna talk lmao.

jaiden : who the fuck said y'all were my friends lol

hunter : i can't talk too much rn, but i'm back in minnesota. family emergency, i'll tell y'all all about when i get back next friday. xxx

I was about to send another text when Oliver's name flashed on my screen. I answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, I was just calling to check on you. My family sends their condolences." He said.

"Tell them I say thank you. I have so much to tell you when I get back. It's only my second day and so much has happened already."

"We'll talk over that coffee you promised me."

"Of course," I chuckled. "I'm sorry for not talking to you for a while. I wasn't avoiding you, I swear."

"I know, Hunter, it's okay." He assured me. It was quiet for about a minute before he sighed. "I miss you."

I sighed as well. "I miss you too. I'll be back before you know it. I gotta go, I'll text you tonight."

"Take care."

"You too."

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