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*Y/N'S P.O.V*

Right before I went to go ride on Billy my black, fully grown horse who is super fast. My dad stopped me

"Y/n I got a call last night, that if we move, we can get a bigger and better home! I've sold the house and the new owners said that they are going to build a shopping mall." I couldn't believe my dad just said that.

"But dad, I've lived here all my life, this is my home, this is where I belong."

"I know sweetie but there's nothing we can do. I've already signed the papers."

"What about Billy, and the chickens? Where will they go?" I asked.

"Well... we might need to sell them."

"Dad! Aren't we going to buy another farm?"

"No Y/n we are moving into a big house, no farm and no farm animals. We can keep Lola and the rabbits but not Billy ok?"

"Fine." I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh, and one more thing."

"What?!" I'm obviously annoyed with this, I'm more sad though. I have to say goodbye to my chickens and my horse.

"I'm going to get a job."

"Ok, who will be my homeschool teacher then?"

"Y/n you aren't going to be homeschooled, you are going to go to a real high school."

"This is the worst! Why have you done this? You ruined my life dad!" I yell.

I jump on my horse and ride away thinking that I'm going to have to say goodbye to Billy. As we road around the lake, through the forest and up the hill I started to cry. When Billy stopped at the stables I made him go around for another lap. I couldn't handle this, why do we have to leave? Just for a shopping mall? There is one 30 minutes away! Well... that is kind of far but this is my home. I don't want to say goodbye to it.

To Be Continued


You are upset as to why you have to move, but will moving give you new opportunities?

Hope you like the book so far, I promise it will get more interesting, but I'm not that good at writing books ok? Love you all

Instagram: dolann_chamberlainn

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