Thirty One

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*Y/N'S P.O.V*

I was just about to get to my locker when someone stepped in front of me, he was really close to my face, I looked up and saw someone who I haven't seen before. I'm guessing he is a jock since he was wearing a football jacket. I just looked up at him and took a step back.

"You're Y/n right?" He asks.

"Yeah...why?" Why would he want to talk to me? People think I killed someone!

"Ok, here's an invite to my party tonight, don't forget to come alright?" He says handing me a piece of paper, his name is Hayden as it says on the invitation.

"Ok, thanks." I say and walk to my locker, I get my books out and for once, it was peaceful. I didn't have Christina saying sh*t in my ear and it felt nice to have some quiet, but when I closed my locker, I saw a squad of girls.

"Ok b***h, we need answers. Why did you kill Christina?" 

"Did you really hate her that much?" 

I question myself, how do they think that I killed Christina.

"Who told you I killed Christina?" I ask them.

"Mary told me." One of the girls pointed to the other. The circle of girls point to each other when it leads to one girl who says

"Hamish told me..." 

I walk off and go to Devan.

"Where's Hamish?" I ask him.

"Over there." He answers pointing to a boy.

"Thanks." I say as I walk over to the boy 

"Who told you I killed Christina?"


I walk over to Jeremy, it goes on like this for a while until I get to a girl named Amy, I've never really heard of her before.

"Who told you I killed Christina?" I ask for the millionth time.


"But why?" I ask

"Because, it's nice to have some drama around here." 

"So you make up a lie about me?" I ask

"Well, Christina said she's in the hospital so I may as well expand from that, plus it's fun. You should try some time instead of murdering someone." She laughs

"Not cool Amy, you have ruined my reputation at this school." I say

"HA! What reputation?"

"The reputation where no one knows me and I can just be quiet, like...Abby." I say

"Oh honey, Abby isn't quiet. Everyone's afraid of her because she caused Christina to go to hospital." She says pretending to be sweet

"Let me guess, another lie you made up?" 

"No, Christina actually got badly injured, she came to school with a broken leg, look." She showed me a photo on Christina's Instagram.

"So, what really happened to Christina? Did you stab her?" She asks.

"What? No! That's a rumour Amy, don't make new ones ok?"

"Whatever Y/n." She says. Wow! Amy knows my name and decided to make rumours about me, at least now I know where all the rumours start. 


All day it's been rumours after rumours, and I'm happy to have some time to myself. I get a text from Devan:

Hey Y/n, are you going to that party tonight?

Yeah, I may as well give it a shot. What about you?

Nah, I have to stay at home or I will be grounded until I'm 50😂

Ok, I got to go get ready now. Bye!

Bye Y/n.

I decided to wear a tight black dress(picture at top) and redo my makeup. I wore black heels and I was ready to go. I called an uber and got driven to Hayden's, I haven't been to a high school party before, but this isn't what I expected, I saw people jumping off of the two story house roof into the pool. I walked inside and everyone was having a good time, dancing, drinking and hanging out. It looked like fun, it's a shame Devan couldn't come here though.

To Be Continued


Chapter 31, that's a lot of chapters. Hope I'm not boring you!

Thank you so so much for reading this I love you guys so much!

Instagram: dolann_chamberlainn

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