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*Y/N'S P.O.V*

"Come in Devan." I say as I let him in.

"Thanks Y/n." 

We both sit on the couch and it's a bit awkward for a moment, then I remember why Devan was here in the first place.

"So... everything happened yesterday." I start

"Really? Yesterday?" He asks

"Yeah, so I got a phone call, my dad was in accident." I feel my tears in my eyes I quickly blink them away.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. And then Jake did that...well you know what he did to you." He replies

"Who's Jake?"

"The umm...jock..."

"Oh." I say

"Well today I really didn't want to go to school, but knew dad would've wanted me to be I went." I explain.

"I'm sure he wouldn't of wanted you to go if you were this upset Y/n."

"Well...I went and when I got there everyone was crowded around my locker but they all ran away after I walked closer, turns out that Christina had written 'SL*T' onto my locker as payback." I explain.

"Payback on what?" Devan asks, wow he really is confused.

"Because she thinks I like you because we hang around each other, I told her over and over that I don't like you in that way but she doesn't understand." 

"Ok." He says.

"Then...I felt someone pull my arm and it was Jake...he wouldn't let go until everyone was looking our way so I ran and kept running until someone else grabbed my arm and it was the guy you spoke to on bus..." I explain.

"Ohhh, I should've introduced him to you, he is my brother Collins." He says, well nice to know that NOW.

"Ok." I say.

"I just don't know how I'm going to live my life because I basically live with my dog and rabbits and that's it." I blurt out, geez why can't I shut up for once.

"Don't you have any siblings?" Devan asks.

"No...and my mom passed when I was a month old."

"Y/n, I'm so sorry." 

"It's all good and fine." I say...but it's not.

Devan pulls me into a hug, how does he know that not everything is alright? How does he feel the pain I'm feeling? Why is he taking care of me?


"Yeah?" I say, I wonder what he's going to tell me, there's really nothing to tell after what I've just told him.

"If you need anything, ever, just text me...ok?" Devan says.

"Why are you acting so different?" I say, Devan looks up at me confused

"What do you mean?" He says. Was this how all friends treat each other.

"Is this how all friends treat each other?" I ask

"Yeah." He answers.

"Oh, well I've never had a human friend because I've lived on a farm my whole life and haven't really interacted with others." I explain.

"Really?! You aren't shy at all, I'd expect a person who lived like that be shy."

"Haha, not me. My dad used to think I snuck candy into my room but really I've always been out there and stuff."

"Nice." He says

To Be Continued



Hope you all enjoy the book so far, I know it's bad and all but I'm working on it. 

Love you all so much!

Instagram: dolann_chamberlainn

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