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*Y/N'S P.O.V*

I'm confused, why did he just leave me here, tied up in a chair. What is that ruffling noise? Who's coming through the door? I try to scream but nothing will come out of my mouth. I'm alone and anyone could take me right now. Today has been the worst day, I was meant to leave school about 40 minutes ago. I hear a sound. Who's that?

Then everything went black...

I wake up, I'm in an oversized jumper that isn't mine, oh no! I remember everything that happened. I sit up and look around the enormous room I'm in. Where am I? My face feels dry because of the tears I shed. Why is today the worst? Why did dad have to leave me? Where am I supposed to go? I don't know what to do, I woke up in a different room, who has taken me? I see someone walk through the door was Devan...

"Um...hi Y/n." I look at him standing at the doorway. What did Devan do to me? Why am I in a jumper?

"You were shaking as you were asleep so I put a jumper on you..." I hear him say. I put my hand on my head.

"Thank you Devan."

There was an awkward silence and I felt a tear drop from my eyes, I quickly wipe it off before Devan sees but of course he sees everything. Why? He comes over next to me and gives me a hug. I really needed someone at this point so I put my head on his chest and cried. He didn't seem to mind and kept hugging me. After a while we heard the doorbell, Devan went to check it and I eavesdropped.

"But Devvy, I love you and you love me." I hear a familiar yet whiny voice.

"Christina, I've told you already, I don't love you and stop calling me that. I've never loved you or dated you."

"I know but give me a chance pleaseeeeeeeee." I hear Christina say.

"Seriously Christina, you can't come round to a guys house everyday and beg for them to love you, that's not how it works."

"You just want the new girl don't you!"

"What?! No!"

To Be Continued...


Hey, I'm struggling with equations and year nine is giving me a tough time. I hope all of you enjoy the book so far, it's not finished but what do you think will happen next?

Love you all!

Instagram: dolann_chamberlainn

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