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you walked the dark empty streets alone, waiting for the perfect person to rob.

the streets were empty at this time of night, most of the people out here were scummy villains like myself.

but that's when i heard the wonderful sound, a woman talking on the phone discussing business, the sound of her heels rang in my ears.

i quickly followed the sound, that's when i saw her in a alleyway talking on the phone, she wore a tight mint skirt and a long sleeve blouse.

she turned around immediately when she heard my footsteps, "hello do you need something?" she asked.

"yeah do you know where the nearest restaurant is? i am new here.", the woman smiled then her smile faded away.

when the black flames came from my right hand, she dropped her phone in fear, "w-what d-do you w-want?"

"wallet lady that's all." she quickly opened up her purse and handed me her wallet, i snatched it from her she flinched in fear.

"c-can i go now?" she asked, "did i say you could?"

she just stood there shaking waiting, i took the money out of her wallet and then burned her wallet.

"you can go now." i muttered she then booked it and fell "take off your heels dumbass." i said as i walked away.

"200$ on her that's impressive." i said to myself.

"don't you think it's kinda mean stealing from people?"

i turned around seeing a man he was tall, skinny wearing all black but the features that stood out were his burns, they were hooked by tiny metal stitches his blue eyes pierced mine.

"i really don't care." you said standing your ground.

"i thought so." he said.

you turned around not caring but he wouldn't stop following you.

"you know following me isn't going to make it better." you said while walking.

"i have nothing better to do so i thought i would fuck with you." he muttered.

"well there are other pieces of shits to bother."

"i know but i cant stop looking at your ass in those leggings."

"excuse me?" you turned around seeing a smirk on his face.

"see i bothered you simple as that, now i am going to get going have a good night doll face don't ruin that pretty face of yours."

he turned around walking away.

"fuck you." you spat back, "sorry what was that?" he said while he continued to walk away.

you huffed in anger, you were practically stomping the ground, once you arrived home you decided you would take a nice warm shower.

as you got out of the shower you received a text from your ex boyfriend.

ex: hey babe

you: stop talking to me dipshit.

ex: your dads pretty disappointed in you i had a talk with him today.

you: what did you tell him?

ex: how you're a villain, i mean how could the daughter of the famous hero half turn out to be a failure...

you: whatever.

ex: have you found someone to replace me yet? or are you going to come running back.

you: not like there's anything to run to i mean i should've burnt you to a crisp you worthless piece of trash.

ex: you still have a attitude i see well have fun you failure ;) !

you: ok bud.

(end of convo)

your eyes rolled back seeing how much of a bitch he was he never could accept the fact you left him.

he was always texting you reminding you of all the "horrible" things you have done, but at this point you could careless.

it was now four in the morning, you were still watching tv, then you fell asleep.

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

a/n welcome to the book i hope you enjoyed :)))

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