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most of the drive home was quiet normally dabi would talk about what annoyed him or about my ass but he seem off.



"can i tell you something and you swear you'll never say anything."

"of course you know i'd never tell anyone anything"

"my real name is touya not dabi i'm the kid of shitty endeavor."

"i love the name touya."

"i am being serious y/n."

"i know you are baby just know i'll accept you no matter what, i am not endeavor and i am y/n."



"i fucking love you."

the car came to a halt, did he say what i think he just said?

"i-i love you too touya."

he just chuckled at you seeing how shocked you were, you never would've thought he would say it after all this time.

after he said it he was back to his normal self.

"god yura is so fucking annoying sometimes."

"oh now it's yura huh?"

"yeah the cunt the always stealing midnight that's are damn cat."

"well yura was the one who forced me to get it." a faint giggled left your mouth.

"so what midnight is ours and she keeps stealing her from us."

"lemme guess you just want midnight to sleep with us."

"yeah i fucking do she's always sleeping in YUrAs."

i started busting out laughing, "anyways doll you wanna go out to like a bar or something?"

"but we're almost home?"

"so just text yura."

"fine shit head."

you handed dabi you phone and he began to text her, he wrote "hey dipshit y/n and i are going to a bar see ya."

you both pulled up to the bar, it was only 7:30 how long did dabi plan on staying here?"

we walked in, and all the eyes fixed on us , faint whispers and people laughing.

"fuck them they'll die anyways."

me and dabi sat down together at the bar and waited, we both ordered and then waited for our drinks.

it had been a good minute since dabi and i just had some alone time, "so who's driving home."

"i have no clue, i guess whoever is less shit faced."

we both began to drink, after about 3 hours of dancing it turned out i was the one more drunk .

we both finally decided to leave, you stumbled trying to keep yourself walking steady, dabi grabbed you waist to help you keep balance.

"god you're so drunk."

"i am nottttt d-drunk." you slurred, dabi just laughed.


you hopped into the passenger seat and for some reason i began to think about the last time we had sex.

dabi was rough he was a huge dominant he always wanted to be in control, it didn't bother me.

i enjoyed it he was very passionate too he was just a perfect mix.

soon i felt that feeling, he knew it too he was just waiting, the road was empty.

"you good over there?" dabi said with a smirk on his face.

you rubbed your legs together trying to relieve yourself.

dabi's warm hand began to rub your thigh, you squirmed, "dabi i cant wait."

"are you really going to make me pull this car over?" dabi whispered in your ear.




he was just chuckling before the car pulled over into some empty lot.

only one dim street light shine through the lot then the car stopped.

"god why do make me like this doll." he whisper seductively in your ear.

"just make me yours already dumbass."

"fine then dolly."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

hello readers so i noticed that this book went from like 130 to like 175 reads like holy shit thank you.

word count : 631

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