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you woke up on the couch rubbing your eyes, "must of fell asleep here again" you mumbled.

you got up off the couch and started making breakfast, you turned the tv on and watched as you drank your hot coffee.

"a villainous group strikes again, we truly have no clue who they are but the authorities are trying to find these ruthless villains." the news reporter said.

i kept watching i was intrigued this villain group was keeping everything so secretive yet they were scaring the public over and over again.

once you were done eating breakfast you went on a walk like normal, the streets were filled with people.

on these types of days i would go to the local bakery/coffee shop, that was called shojis.

i walked into the fresh smelling coffee shop and sat down.

my best friend yura worked here, "hey y/n!" she said as she walked up to me. "oh hey."

"the normal?" she asked i simply nodded, yura was a strong independent woman she always had a high ponytail, wore all bright colors and never had a frown on her face.

her eyes were yellow and her hair was a deep brown her skin was a deep shade of tan, she was gorgeous.

but that's when i noticed someone, was that the guy from last night? i've never noticed him here i come here almost every day.

out of curiosity you decided you would go up to the man, he turned around from the footsteps, "are you following me dollface?"

"ew no i would never, i was just curious i've never seen you in here."

"every now and then i come here, nothing special." he said as he took a bite from his sandwich.

"so are you going to sit or just stand their like a idiot doll face."

"fine." you sat down across from the man, "so what did you order." he asked.

"what i normally get a grilled cheese, and a bowl of tomato soup."

"well what's your name doll face."

"y/n what's yours?"

"you can call me dabi."

"hm okay dabi, so what are your plans today?"

"probably to do the same thing you did last night, rob a couple business ladies you know fun stuff."

you smiled from his joke "well if you wanna rob the business ladies go out at about 5."

he just chuckled "you think i don't know that?"

"well i've never seen you around so i thought you were new here."

that's when yura came back with your food, "oh who's this guy?" yura asked "uh this is dabi, we met a couple nights ago."

"that's cool well enjoy." she handed you your food and shot you a smile before walking away from the table.

you began to eat your food, that's when you heard your phone go off.

you pulled your phone out of your pocket seeing another text from your ex.

you just rolled your eyes, "what's the matter baby doll."

"ex boyfriend he's so fucking annoying." "tell me about him."

"asshole that's basically it." "you should've just killed him."

"i am not that crazy but i wish i could." you giggled.

"so what's your quirk?" "did you not see when i robbed that lady?"

"i just saw flames that's all i was just wondering like is that it?"

"well i can manipulate fire my own though and my flames are white and black."

"thats pretty basic."

"i guess, well i have to get going have a good day."

"you to doll."

i walked out of the coffee shop and began to walk back home, that's when i noticed i forgot my wallet.

"fuck." you muttered to yourself, you began to run back to shojis, that's when you saw dabi holding your wallet patiently waiting for you.

"you forgot something." dabi said with a smirk on his face, "thank you so much." he handed you your wallet.

"i took five bucks by the way." dabi winked at you and began to walk off.

you just laughed and walked away.

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

thank you for reading :p

word count : 683

Villains Dabi X Reader Where stories live. Discover now