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{ time skip of two months }

over the two months that have passed, dabi has moved into my place because he "hates" shigaraki and because he wants to be around his girlfriend.

it was midnight, dabi and me were just watching anime he petted midnight i swear he was in love with that damn cat.

as the tv blasted and dabi focused on the anime i decided to go make some ramen, "where you going babe?" dabi asked peeping his head over the couch.

"making us some food."

as i made some food, the thought of my mother ran through my mind, i always wandered what happened to her.

i accepted that she might be dead, i mean she's a villain, i bet she would be proud of me but who knows.

i finished the ramen, me and dabi ate before falling asleep.

{ time skip to the morning }

i woke up and began to get ready for my morning jog, we have a big event happening and i wanted to be prepared as much as possible.

every now and then dabi would come with me but today he just decided to sleep...

i began to jog the cold morning wind hit my body, then i heard a scream.

it was definitely a woman maybe in her 20's? i immediately ran over to the sound, i heard another scream.

i wasn't a hero or anything but i felt bad every now and then, the scream ran through my ear again.

i finally found where the scream was coming from it was a woman being held down by a older woman?

"HEY DIPSHIT!" i said before one of my fire lassos grabbed the lady and slammed her into the wall, she groaned in pain and the other woman fled the scene.

i began to walk up to the woman, her hand then lit with black flames, wait.

the only i person that i knew that had black flames like me was my.


the woman then looked at me, i noticed the black hoodie covering her white hair, it was mom.

"m-mom?" tears began to come from my eyes.

"who the fuck are you calling mom you dipshit hero?!" she snapped back before looking at me her eyes widened.

"y-y/n?" her arms wrapped around my body and held me close.

my mom was alive.

we both pulled away from the hug "y/n i've been waiting for this day i knew you would become a hero like your father i am so proud."

"i am not a hero mom."

"what? you're not?"

"i am a proud villain." i said smiling while tears ran down my face.

"just like your mom god i love you kid." she said before fluffing my hair.

"i love you too."

"so you wanna tell me about what i've missed in the past 14 years ?"

"of course i do!" we both walked out of the alleyway and began to walk around the city.

it was now noon and i knew dabi was getting freaked out he was blowing up my phone.

"mom why didn't i show you my boyfriend he's probably worried i haven't been home in a couple hours."

"of course i would y/n!"

we began to walk to my apartments, when we walked in yura just stared.

"who's this?" dabi asked, "oh so this is your hot shot boyfriend y/n? he's pretty cute and i am y/ns mom." my mom said before winking.

"so you're her mom i thought you dipped on her?" dabi said coldly, "her father wouldn't let me see her so i had to." my mom said back.

"anyways dabi this is my mom!" dabi just smiled at your happiness.

"yeah yeah i can tell but why is her hair white how old are you?"

"i was born with white hair young man! i am not that old too and i'll burn you to a crisp." my mom said before lighting her hand with black flames.

"you sure about that?" dabi said as he covered his hands in blue flames, "so we all have fire quirks what fun! lucky y/n you didn't end up with that shitty light quirk your father has."

"i know right mom!" i said laughing, "so mom here's my number." i handed her the small paper and she put the digits in her phone.

"okay sweetie well i have to get home with your little sister she's probably freaking out!"

"wait I HAVE A SISTER?!"

"your dad didn't tell you?"

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞
i really appreciate it and i thank you all can't wait to hit more small milestones with you all❤️:)) !

word count : 786

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