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i woke up feeling a pain in my head, it was a hangover and i could already tell that this was going to be a bad one.

i turned over on the bed seeing dabi sound asleep his fluffy black hair covering most of his face.

he was adorable when he was like this, i started messing with his hair then he groaned, "you're already all lovey with me ? it's like 9 in the damn morning!" dabi muttered before turning himself the other way.

"your girlfriend can't love you?" "did i say that?"

"no but you're hinting it." "why in the fuck would i not love you you're perfect."

those words made your heart flutter, "don't get all full of yourself now." dabi said as he got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

you trailed behind him as he was brushing his teeth you held on his waist hugging him from the back.

he was always toasty warm from his quirk and it made me even warmer because of my quirk, he didn't say anything he just continued to brush his teeth.

once he was done he turned back to you, and just kissed you on the forehead.

"that's all." you whined, "brush your teeth and we're going to go out for breakfast by the way so get dressed."

you just nodded before getting yourself ready.

you put on a long sleeve striped shirt, black leggings and some black vans.

you walked out you room seeing dabi fidgeting with your car keys, "finally."

"i'll drive." you asked but he just denied it, you both drove over to the diner.

as we found our seats we ordered then waited, "why are you being all lovey this morning." i said teasingly.

"because i love you thats why." a blush ran across your face, "you're still blushing and we've been together for almost four months jesus."

"you just make me blush that's all." dabi just smiled "i know i do."

the waiter then came with our food dabi and i began to chow down after we were done he asked if you wanted to go to the park.

"sure why not i haven't been there since i was like 7."

as we walked over to the park children ran and played, "you want to have kids?" dabi asked "yes two to be exact."

"that's nice to know." dabi said as he held your hand, we walked the parks trails leaves fell down from trees peacefully.

it was the beginning of fall and it was already so beautiful, the leaves just started to change colors.

"what's your favorite season and why." i asked dabi , "well it was summer time because of all the hot bitches but now it's fall."

i just giggled "why is it fall now?" i asked, "well i like fall better now because i realized how nice it is everything is perfect just like you that's why i like it now."

your heart melted he was being so gentle today.

"why are you being like this?" "being like what?" dabi replied.

"all lovey and gentle." "because you make me feel a way i've never felt and i want to cherish every moment with you."

his words sent butterflies through your stomach none of your ex's were like this.

"why don't we go home we can watch some anime for the rest of the night."

"i would love to do that."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

AHHH WE HIT 200 READS!! it's been like 3 days when i hit 100 holy hell.

so for 200 reads i decided to write a fluff because who doesn't like fluff!

thank you again !

word count : 608

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