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the anime played as me and dabi cuddled are warmness collided until the door swung open.

"Y/N!" yura yelled , i jumped from the sudden loudness.


"he's probably trying to fuck." dabi said as he peered over the couch.

"shut up burnt toast , anyways he told me to text him later!"

"are you going too?" "YES DO YOU THINK I WOULDN'T!"

"well that's cool." i said with a smile on my face before i started to cuddle on dabi again.

"you two seem to be happy." "we always are." dabi said before i could even say anything.

"well i'm going to sleep goodnight you two." "night." "night yura sleep well."

"you want some food?" dabi asked , "yes please."

he left the couch and began to make food the anime kept playing on the tv before you got a message from your mother.

"hey sweetie would you like to go to dinner with mai and me."

"of course could i bring dabi?"

"of course i love you see you tomorrow!"

"love you too."

"hey we are going out to eat tomorrow night."

"with who?"

"my mom and mai she said you could come so you're coming."

"okay doll."

after dabi was finished make the food you two ate then went to bed.

{ time skip the dinner }

your mother , mai , dabi and you walked into the restaurant.

people stared but dabi never really cared i just got mad over the fact the stared at him negatively but i couldn't do anything about it.

the waitress sat us at our table we ordered then began to talk.

"y/n? if you and dabi have kids will the get a fire quirk?"

"i mean there's a high change they will if we do even decide on having kids."

"i want them and you know that." dabi said with a smirk on his face.

"i know you do baby."

"so y/n do you have any plans this weekend mai wants to take you and dabi this event down town she's been begging me nonstop."

"i would love you go!" i said, dabi just nodded.

"okay good."

"y/n you should stay the night." mai said

"tonight?" "yea tonight and dabi you can come i heard you're a good cook you can make us food."

"he sure is but i would have to go home pick up clothes and you know do all that."

"oh yeah i forget about that." mai just smiled and dropped the topic.

our food was served mai chowed it down unbelievable fast as for the rest of us we just took our time.

once we were done we said our goodbyes and love you's you and dabi's hands stayed locked as we walked over the car.

we began to drive home then dabi started to talk "they must really like me huh?" "i mean who doesn't?" a small giggle left your mouth.

we pulled up to the apartments dabi held some
left overs we walked up the stairs i opened the door.

yura was watching so tv "hey dipshit we got you food."

"thanks burnt toast."

a wave of laughter came over all of us , "god yura you should've seen mai eat food she was just engulfing it all."

"no way a teen can eat all that."

"she can it honestly shocked me." we all started laughing even more.

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hey guys i'm sorry for not updating for like 2 weeks i've been really focused on my grades since they're shit , i hope you guys understand

also i am thinking of doing a like year time skip because over the two weeks i've been thinking about a lot of ways this book can go if i do a time skip.

word count : 638

word count :

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