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today was the one day of the week were you and yura got to hangout, "y/n you should get a kitten."

"that's so random." you giggled as you two walked the street,"i mean don't you think it would be nice to have some company besides me and that weird guy from the shop."

"weird? pft dabi is quite nice at least i think he is." you and yura just laughed, "look there's a pet shop right there why not get one now." .

you opened your wallet seeing your card and the money you stole from the woman a couple nights ago.

"ok fine but you're scooping it's shit." "fine." yura laughed.

you walked into the pet shop and your eyes immediately landed on the pen full of kittens, you and yura walked over to the pen.

as you glanced into the pen a tiny black kitten immediately walked up to you, "i think moto moto likes you." yura said pointing at the cat laughing.


"your jokes are so fucking dumb." you giggled, your hands went into the pen picking up the small black kitten.

"hmm i like you." the little kitten just meowed "you should name it moto moto."

"another moto moto joke jesus yura."

yura ran off and looked for some supplies for the young kitten, you sat there on the ground petting the kitten.

"what should i name you darling." you said to the kitten.

"how about midnight?" the kitten meowed back, "midnight it is."

yura came back with supplies "i got all the stuff let's pay and go!" she was so excited it wasn't even her pet but she was still thrilled over it.

the cashier scanned our items and told us the gender of the cat it's was a girl, we payed for the cat and left.

we walked japan crowd streets, i was holding the kitten against my chest, once we got home yura started setting stuff up.

i just sat there petting midnight, but the she wondered off.

"you done yet?" i yelled, "yes come in!" yura yelled.

you walked into the guest room of your apartment seeing a bunch of cat toys and a little tower.

"it's her own little castle." yura said pointing to the kitten tower.

"it's cute." you said smiling, midnight ran into the room and started playing with all the toys.

"she likes it!!" yura said in a high pitched voice.

"ok well i have to go y/n next monday hang out again?"

"how could i say no to that." yura hugged you "bye y/n be safe." she waved then shut the door.

you just say there playing with your new kitten, "oh shit how much do i have left." you went to the kitchen and picked up your wallet.

you started digging into your wallet then you found a small piece of paper, with a number on it.

"you sly bastard." you smirked before grabbing your phone and texting the number.

(text convo)

you~ who's this?

you waited for a reply the seconds later you got one.

unknown number~ finally took you long enough and it's dabi.

you changed the contact name to dabi.

you~ well maybe it you didn't put the paper in the weirdest area of my wallet.

dabi~ well you found it that's all that matters

you~ so why did you give me your number?

dabi~ wondering if we could hangout sometime you're pretty interesting.

you~ when?

dabi~ how about tomorrow, at 10pm and we will meet at the place where you robbed that lady.

you~ hm ok see ya tmr weirdo

dabi ~ sleep well doll face

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

oof sorry i haven't updated in so long i've been doing so much school work also this chapter was so random also sorry for the moto moto jokes :)

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