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after days of unpacking the house was done , decor hung on the wall rugs sat on the wooden floor.

"babe?" dabi asked "yes sweetheart." "shigaraki wants us for some reason."

"let's go then."

{ skip to shigarakis }

"hello you two long time since we've talked." shigaraki had a annoyed tone , "Y/N YOURE BACK IVE MISSED YOU!!" toga shouted as she ran up and gave you a hug.

"hey toga." "get to the point crust ball." dabi muttered.

"you two have been gone quiet a bit and we have some serious business but it seems like you to are to in love."

"in love? DABI IN LOVE?! AHAHAHH." " shut up you psycho bitch i'll burn you."

toga just giggled and ran off , "get to the point shigaraki." you were getting annoyed he was just leading on the conversation.

"we are planing to attack UA high school but we need you two here and not kissing and hugging each other okay?"

"okay crusty." you said isn't a smirk on your face , "i'll make you ashes." shigaraki muttered before walking away.

"i'd burn him before he'd be able to touch you." dabi said as he kissed your cheek.

"we'd both burn him." a small laugh escaped your mouths.

"hello you two." kurogiri said our of nowhere , "oh hi!." i personally loved kurogiri he was a calm and always down to have a convo.

"may i talk to you y/n."

"of course."

you sat down besides him "you've really made him better." "dabi?" "yes he use to be a quiet soul he never spoke and hated everything."

"i remember that dabi."

"we all do it's just i haven't seen true love in so long it shocks me to see it now."

you smiled "thank you kuro."

"it's my pleasure y/n now you to enjoy your time together."

you walked away from kurogiri "what did that old bastard say to you." "you and how you've changed."

"changed? i'm only nice to you and you know that." "i know dabi." "good."

dabi and i decided to leave the leagues hide out , dabi and i personally liked being alone rather around a shit ton of people.

once we got home i fed midnight , then it dawned on me today was sunday which means work tomorrow.

you just huffed in anger not wanting to go to shojis and work , "what's wrong babe." "work that's what's wrong."

"why don't you just quit?" "house , bills , more bills." "i sometimes forget about those how about i go out tonight and get some money for us." a smirk was on his face he loved robbing people and i had no clue why.

"fine just don't get hurt." "don't doubt me dumbass."

"that's what i am a dumbass?"


"fine then you're a burnt piece of.."

"of hotness." dabi said before chuckling "you cant beat me."

"you think so?"

"i know so."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

sorry for the short chapter :(
but i believe i'll be posting another one later tonight!

word count : 499

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