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today i felt different for some reason i was happy as hell? yura even noticed it.

"you seem happier then normal." yura said with a smile on her face, "i don't know am i?" i said laughing.

"it's dabi isn't it!!"


"i love this so much you're so in love with him he must have some nice lips to make you all happy like this."

"his lips were quite nice i wont lie." i winked.

me and yura just laughed, that's when i got a message on my phone.

it was shigaraki.

shigaraki: be here now.

i immediately ran into my room and got dressed, yura just stared at all the quick movements.

"i have to go i'll be back!" i gave her a smile right when she said bye the door slammed.

i got in my car and drove over to the leagues hideout, once i was on the street i parked my car and ran down the alley way.

i knocked on the metal door, the door swung open there was dabi.

"o-o hey." i said trying to hide my blush, "you're are such a softie jesus." he chuckled.

i walked in seeing a couple of others sitting on the bar chairs chatting to kurogiri.

"so what's the plan why did he call me down?" i asked dabi, "i don't know he's fucking weird."

i just stood there waiting dabi just stood there waiting for something to happen, "hey you just wanna come to my room."

"s-sure." dabi grabbed your hand gently the warmth from his and mine made me almost melt.

we walked down a hallway he stopped at the door that had "dabi" spray painted black on it "you like it?" he winked.

"i mean i don't know you could definitely be a tad bit more creative add some blue flames and make-"

"okay okay shut up i get it."

he opened the door his room was actually quite organized the walls were painted black, he had a queen sized bed a flat screen tv and a closet filled with black clothes.

the league must of have some money i thought to myself.

"you surprised?" "i thought it would be messy so yes i am."

he plopped on his bed and turned on the tv, "stop being shy." he said before patting the bed.

that's when you heard shigaraki yell your name, "god damn it he ruins everything." dabi got up and followed you out of the room.

"hello shigaraki." "no hellos we need to discuss something's."

i got kinda worried what did he mean by discuss?

"so you and dabi is that a thing or?"

"w-what? it that what you wanted to know?"

"i mean i guess toga won't stop talking about you two and i just wanted to know."

"i mean i guess there is something going on." i said whole rubbing my neck.

"well that's all i wanted to know you can go now."

"that's all?"

"yes now go."

i walked out seeing dabi leaning on the hallway, "so what happened?"

"he asked about us"

"what did you say."

"uhm i said something was going on."

a blush painted my face, "god you're so fucking adorable when you blush."

"s-stop saying that!" i whined.

we both began to walk to his bedroom.

he plopped back on his bed and signaled you to lay with him.

"stop being a puss." he said with a smirk on his face.

"fine!" you laid next him, his arm wrapped around you and pulled you close.

you're eyes stared into each other's again, he just admired you before his lips gently touched kissed yours.

during the kiss he muttered "god damn it y/n just be mine."

"of course i will." i muttered back.

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

ahhh five days with no updating what's wrong with me lmao? anyways sorry for this semi short chapter i was going to make it longer but i had no time:(

also we are about to hit 100 reads! thank you so much for reading this fanfic :))❤️

word count : 681

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