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dabi was gone i was alone , he'd been gone for hours it was already midnight he would normally be back by now.

a slight fear came over you but you knew he wouldn't get hurt? or would he?

you decided it would be best to text him if he didn't respond in 5 minutes you knew something was wrong.

your number :
babe are you okay? i'm worried.

i waited for 5 minutes still no response , i immediately got up and began to walk around .

it's been 30 minutes the city was dark and quiet the wind blowed gently, i checked my phone every minute seeing if i had gotten a text back , nothing.

"where are you." i muttered to myself .

that's when i heard a deep voice in the middle of a alleyway , "you really thought your shit flames would stop me."

flames? i immediately darted down the alleyway seeing a man he was wearing all black he was holding down someone.

"what do you want whore?" the man said , "whore?" "did i stutter."

"i believe you have something that belongs to me." you then pointed at dabi who was bloody and unconscious.

"this dipshit? he's dead."

"w-what." your heart dropped.

"you're little boy toy is dead now go."



tears fell down your face , that's when your hands lit on fire.

"another shitty fire quirk?"

"i'll kill you." i mumbled

"kill me then." the guy had a smirk on his face.

you immediately ran up to him he tried to hit you but missed you were fast , you had been training for over a year now.

"what the?" before he could even let out another sentence you grabbed his head , your flames lit .

he screamed in agony , before falling to the ground.

"burn." you said before running up to the love of your life.

"baby?" you said , no response.

" touya answer me." a tear came down your face.

"BABY?" you yelled hoping for a response , "no no no no."

you touched his face blood covered your fingers , then you felt a small breath.

he coughed before taking another small breath , "touya are you-"

"i'm fine." he managed to cough up.

you checked his wounds , they were stab wounds .

Villains Dabi X Reader Where stories live. Discover now