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you woke up still on the side of the road , "what the fuck?" you asked yourself.

that's when it hit you.


you looked over seeing your phone , it was facing down.

you took a deep breath in , you turned the phone over and saw message after message.

"come home."

"i'm sorry."

"i didn't have control."

"i cant lose you."


"y/n are you okay?"


"let me explain."


"again i'm sorry."

"please come home."

"i still love you."

"you mean the world to me."


a couple tears slid down your face.

"did he mean it?" you asked yourself.

you pulled out the grass patch on the road and began to drive home.

more tears slid down your face , "please give me a good reason."

as you pulled into your driveway you noticed the car was gone.

you sat in the car for a good minute asking yourself if it was worth it.

i eventually got out the car and walked up to the door my hand held the door knob , i turned the door knob and opened the door.

there was the love of you live , crying.

he turned over to you and wiped a tear of his face , he looked.


"i-i'm s-sorry." he spoke , "i-i only did it so they wouldn't hurt your mother and sister."

i was take back from his words , "w-what?".

"he's still alive."


"your ex."


"i-i dont fucking know." he said while he threw his arms up in the air , "he fucking threatened me with killing your mother , sister and fucking you."

he was pissed , he was mad at himself.

"he told me i had to make it look like i was cheating , i never would've done that to you and you know it."

"why didn't you kill him on site?"

"he had a bunch of fucking guys with decent ass quirks i had no chance if i did i would've killed him then and there."

"again i'm fucking sorry y/n i didn't want to break your heart , if i were to be honest you're one of the only people i truly fucking love."

a small painfully smile formed on his face , "i-i love you too."

after some time talking he reassured you over and over again , telling you about how he felt.

"again i'm sorry." he said faintly , "it's okay i understand." you sat next to him and rubbed his shoulders.

a small smile formed on his face , "thank you."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞
that's it for this month , again i'm sorry if you'd like to know why i'm not writing this month it's on my profile status.

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