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"wait i have a fucking sister?!" i yelled at my

"your dad never told you huh?"

"she's younger then you her name is mai she's 14 and she's honestly just like you."

"wait when the fuck did this happen?"

"14 years ago you were 5 at the time me and your father would have our every now and then hook ups then one day he got me pregnant."

"why did he never tell me?" you asked, "probably because he was afraid you would leave him to find us."

"when can i meet her?" you asked, "whenever you'd like but i should get home now sweetie text me later." my mom said before giving me a hug.

"i love you mom." "i love you too y/n."

then the apartments door shut, "she's pretty dope." dabi said.

"i literally can't wait to meet my sister what should i do?"

yura peeped her head over the couch, "maybe like toys? or something like that."

"do you really think a 14 year old would want that dumbass?" dabi chuckled.

"i'll just give her some cash i bet she'll take it."

"she probably would 14 year olds are greedy now." yura said.

{ time skip to meeting your sister }

i got the text from my mom she sent me her address, dabi and i then drove over to the house.

there house was bigger then i expected even dabi was a little shocked, we walked up to the gate.

"ladies first." dabi said chuckling.

"what a gentleman."

as we walked up to the beautiful house, i got a wave of nervousness but i just washed it off.

"do you think she'll like me?"

"yeah who doesn't like you."

i knocked on the door, immediately the door opened there was my mom.

"come in sweetie i ain't gonna hurt you!"

we walked into the huge house then a girl ran up to me, "hey y/n! my name is mai nice o meet you."

"oh shit i mean heyyy." the girl hugged me "mom always told me about you."

dabi just stared "who's this guy mom?" "y/n's boyfriend his name is dabi."

"hey kid." dabi said waving.

"hey dabi."

i just laughed at dabi he already hated this, "mom i am going to show them around."

she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her room, my mom just smiled she loved this.

the door swung open, posters of all might covered the wall her bed set was even all might.

"you like all might huh?" you asked

"mom never got me new room decor so i was stuck with this shit." she let out a small chuckle.

"i was assuming that was the case."

dabi just stood there leaning on the wall, "you got a quirk kid?" dabi asked out of nowhere.

"oh yes i do."

she turned off the light and started to manipulate the darkness.

i was shocked how is this even possible , then she turned on the light.

"cool huh."

"yea that's cool and all but you wanna see dabi and i's?"

"what i didn't agree to this."

"just do it."

i lit both of my hands the white and black flames covered my hands, then dabi lit his his blue flames covered his hand she just stared in amazement.

"you have moms quirk?"


i shaped the flame into a blade

"you can manipulate it that's so fucking cool!"

"can you do that dabi?" mai asked.

"no i can't." dabi just rolled his eyes playfully

after hours of hanging out with mai and my mother, dabi and i decided to leave.

"i love you mai! also thanks for the dinner mom!"

"no problem sweetie."

mai and my mother gave me a hug and said there goodbyes.

"bye dabs."

"i said for you to not all me that." he said with annoyance.

"alight well mom i'll see you maybe tomorrow?"

"yes honey of course i love you have a safe ride home."

"i love you too and also i love you too mai!"

"love you more."

then dabi and i left.

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

word count : 692

rip me i have a choir concert tonight :(

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