28 (last chapter)

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( five year time skip )

dabi was now 28 and you are 27.

in the past five years i've never felt happier , my ex was put in prison and everything went back to normal.

dabi and i had our first child , her name was ai she was the brightest thing in our life , since we had our child me and dabi decided to quit as villains.

my sister became a new a highly loved hero , best friends with todoroki shouto.

"hey love get ai ready we are going to the park!" i yelled across the room.

"got it mama."

dabi picked up ai and gave her a smile , "whos the prettiest baby ever." he cooed.

ai brightly smiled and let out a giggle.

dabi smiled as he watched his daughter smile and giggle he loved her more than anything.

"already sweetie let's get you ready so momma over there doesn't burn the house."

"yea yea."

he took ai upstairs and began to get her ready.

then a text message from my father popped up , once mai went to school she got really close to our dad we ended up fixing our broken bond and becoming good again.

during that time he quit as a hero got back with my mother and they lived happily.

"when are you guys going to be at the park?"

"in about 20 mins if we are lucky!"

"ok! see you guys soon love you."

"love you too dad."



i let out a giggle , "HURRY WERE GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!"


he ran down the stairs , ai in his arms.

"let's go get ai in her car seat."

dabi handed you ai , you ran out the house and got her in her car seat.

"you ready to go see grammy and grandpa?" you cooed.

you shut the door ran over it the driving seat and waited for your husband.

he ran out , ran over to the car and got in the passenger seat.

we drove over to the park , once we pulled in mai ,todoroki, my mother , my father , natsou , fuyumi and rei came running over.

my family wasn't the only family that healed it was also touyas to , they accepted touya and his past.

( a/n yes i know i didn't put endeavor in there."

dabi got out the car , "lemme see the one!" natsou said jokingly.

"no she's MINE!" fuyumi said , "actually she's mine." todoroki said calmly.

he opened the back door , took her out and held her gently.

"todo may i see ai?" rei asked softly, "of course mother."

todoroki gave ai to rei , rei smiled and held her grandchild.

"my sweet little darling."

"HEY LETS GET THIS PICTURE!" my father yelled.

"hold on." everyone said.

we got into the grass , all of us lined up and smiling.

my dad positioned the camera on a rock and ran over to the group.

we all smiled and then the picture took.

we walked over and looked at the photo .

ai was actually smiling this time?!!!?

dabi looked over at you and smiled , "little one actually smiled." he said.

"what a shocked." you giggled.

your lips then collided, once you pulled away you said.

"i love you touya todoroki."

"i love you more y/n l/n."

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞


thank you all for sticking with me with this book , if you'd like to read another story written by me there is another dabi x reader that is currently being written!

i love you all bye <3

word count : 603

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