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{ one year time skip }

"HEY DUMMY." you yelled at dabi as the ball hurled at his face , then smack it hit him.

"i'm sorry." i said before running up to him , you caressed his face.

"you know i'm not a child." dabi said as he held your hand on his face , "i just want you to be okay."

"the same for you sweet cheeks."

it had been a year and a lot has happened yura found the "love of her life" dabi and i fell even more in love.

in a few weeks dabi and i would be moving into our own house , i decided to let yura take over our old place.

the league has calmed down a bit they're still wild and crazy... but i still love them.

"Y/N!"." mai screamed as she ran over too you , today was one of those days were my mother , sister and of course the love of my life had a day at the park.

"MAI!!" "y/n i have so much to tell you school was so crazy!"

as my mother walked up to be she said "is there a baby in there yet." she said as she pointed at my stomach.

"YOURE PREGNANT?!" mai screamed , "no no no i'm not."  you reassured your younger sister.

"dabi?." my mom said "no you crazy woman there isn't a kid in there yet."

"YET?!" mai screamed again "maiiii calm down."

"i just can't wait til you two have cute little babies!" "yeah me too kid." dabi said as he fluffed mai's hair.


"ok ok ok i'll stop." mai said as she grabbed the blue bouncy ball from the ground.

"mom catch." my mom caught it in a second "throw harder mai" my mom said as she threw mai the ball back.

"touya?" "what?" "i love you."

"yeah i know that but i love you more."

"are you sure about that?"

"come here."

dabi held his arms out you ran into them hugging him , he immediately hugged back as he kissed your head.

"i love you more then anything in this world k y/n?"

"i love you more touya."

dabi has gotten a lot more comfortable with his actual name but he only lets you call him touya nobody else could.

deep down behind that mean layer he was as soft as a pillow but only for you.

"your mom is crying." dabi said , you pulled away from the hug and saw your mother with tears going down her face.

"i love you two so much." "mom stop crying!" you went up to her and hugged her.

"why don't we play and stop being emotional messes." i said.

"let's PLAY!"

"y/n and mom you're a team i call dabi!" mai said.

"fine you're still getting beat." my mom said with confidence.

"you sure old lady?" mai had a huge smirk on her face she was definitely learning this from dabi.


then mai threw the ball it hit my mom "YOURE OUT!!"

dabi and her just laughed "fine y/n will beat you two!"

"beat them for me y/n"

mai threw the ball you caught it before throwing it back it hit her , then she fell to the ground.

"LOOK WHOS OUT NOW YOUNGIN!" my mom yelled.

"UGHHH!" mai said as she walked over to were my mom sat.

"i'm not going to go easy on you dabi." "i never go easy on you bring it sweet cheeks."

" you threw the ball before dabi threw it back you dodged it then picked it back up.

it seemed like forever of dogging a ball , then you managed to hit him.

"AHAHHAHA YES!" you yelled , you broke out in a dance.

"you dance like a drunk 30 year old mom." dabi muttered.


" i knew she'd win."  my mom said.

"i think we all did." dabi smiled.

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i'm back with updating normally yaya!

word count : 669

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