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today was the day! , you midnight and dabi we're moving into a new place.

"Y/N LAST SELFIE IN YOUR OLD PLACE!!" yura yelled before her phones front camera was in front of face.

you held up a peace sign then *snap she took the picture, "dabi would you like to be in one?" yura asked.

"hell why not." dabi positioned himself behind you he put his middle finger up and kept a straight face.

you immediately turned around covering the middle finger and kissed his cheek , *snap yura took the picture.

"you ruined my pose woman." dabi said monotone , "it's fine it looks wholesome!" yura spoke.

"is all the shit packed up?" dabi asked you looked around the almost empty apartment "it appears so dumbass." i snickered

"well all of your guys stuff is in the moving van." 

"tell kai i said thank you for helping."

"i will y/n." yura gently smiled , "i wish you two the best."

a small tear trickled down your cheek , dabi and you weren't moving that far it was just going to be weird you weren't going to see yura as much anymore.

it hurt but she was happy for you two she hadn't seen you this happy in years , she was proud of seeing you become you.

"hey don't get all sad now i'm happy for you too." yura said as she hugged you , " yura i love you so much words cant even describe how much."

"i love you more y/n."

"it's almost 12 we might as well get you guys going it's going to take awhile to get all that unpacked."

you hugged yura even tighter " i love you thanks for always being here for me."

"thank you for everything y/n look you gave me my own home to live in! you're amazing don't forget that."

"no you."

you two just laughed , "thanks yura for the inspirational speech." dabi said jokingly.

"come on now let's get going." yura said , you pulled away from the hug and began to walk down the apartments stairs.

you saw the truck all loaded up , "let's get going babe."

"hold on."

"go y/n remember i love you."

"i love you more."

dabi decided to drive , we hopped into the car and dabi drove away from the apartments , i saw yura just waving.

it was like a dream a dream that i'd never thought would never happen , "you okay?" dabi asked "of course as long as i have you."

dabi just smiled , we finally arrived to our new place it was about a 30 minute drive from my old place , but it was closer to my mom and mai's !

our house wasn't small , my mom gave me most of the money but i worked for some of it , i got a job at shojis and i started working there , you'd be surprised on how many villains come there.

you pulled up to the large modern looking house , "it's pretty nice." "i know my mom has the best taste right?!"

"yeah let's get this shit inside."

i grabbed the key and unlocked the door.

this was the beginning of a whole new life , the door swung open the plain white walls and stairs came into view.

your shoes made light sounds against the dark wood flooring , "ah it's beautiful!"

you ran out to the moving van and started to help dabi unload all the boxes.

you grabbed most of the house decor boxes , you helped dabi out with the larger things like beds etc.

it was now 5 the sun began setting , you and dabi unloaded the boxes putting stuff around the house.

"we're going to be up all night!" dabi said annoyed.

"it will all be worth it at the end , be patient."

"you sound like a wife."

"i am your future wife."

"we will see about that." dabi said with a smile on his face.

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞


word count : 664

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