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!!!A/N please read A/N!!!
( hey you're probably wondering why i deleted the pregnancy chapter i felt like it was to early in the book maybe the second book it would fit better in , since it is spring break i'm going to be taking a break to just enjoy time with my family i'll be back in a week in a half thank you for the almost 900 reads by the way i appreciate it <3 )

"baby." you whined , "what woman."

"can we get some food."

"can you wait a little bit at least let me get dressed first."

"fine." you said as you plopped on to the living room couch.

dabi ran up the stairs and got dressed , "nerd." you mumbled.

he came down looking the the emo boy he always is , "let's go dummy." he said with a smirk on his face.

you both drove to shojis and ordered what you normally would get , you waited for you food patiently.

"you really like shojis huh?" dabi asked , "who doesn't the place is amazing and i we first truly talked here."

"you know we're sitting at the table right now."

"of course i do touya i remember a lot."

dabi just smiled knowing that you remembered your guys place , he thought you'd forget but you didn't.

"here you go!" the waitress gave us or food , dabi and i ate before deciding we would go and visit yura.

it's been awhile since we had so i thought it would be nice , you pulled up to the apartments .

"ah she's going to be so happy!" you ran up the stairs and knocked on her door.

you heard footsteps scrambled to the door , the door swung open and yura had a smile on her face.

"Y/N!" she screamed , "hey." i said back.

"it's been like weeks holy shit come in." you and dabi walked in , the place looked a lot different over the time you were gone.

"you like it!?" yura asked hoping for a good response, "of course you've always had good design skills!"

"looks like shit still." dabi muttered , you shoved him in the shoulder.

"it's looks great yura don't listen to him , may i ask where kai is?"

"work he works quite a bit."

"ah i see." you and dabi plopped on the couch , "he's probably fucking someone else."

i had no clue why but dabi loved making fun of yura but once again , he made fun of everyone.

"shut up i heard you got stabbed." "yeah i did pretty good experience , you should've saw y/n she was so fucking badass." dabi said before he kissed your cheek.

"i thought he died , but do know who stabbed him?"  you said

"who?" "my ex's little friend." "him? he still hasn't gotten over you? what a fucking freak." yura said with a concerned look on her face.

"that reminds me i forgot to call you , some
guy came here asking for you he wouldn't leave till he got a answer."

"what did you say to him?" "i didn't give him your address i knew something was up with it , but i gave him some random one."

"i'm going to kill this guy." dabi muttered , "calm down we will be fine." you reassured him.

"oh and also i saw the whole UA attack that was interesting , you ending up hurting one of the toughest kids in that one hero course."

"that angry issued hedgehog just fights out of rage no skill."

dabi just let out a chuckle.

✧༺♥༻∞  ✧༺♥༻∞

word count : 591

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